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Old Posted Oct 20, 2014, 4:49 PM
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mousquet mousquet is offline
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Whoa, some of you guys are still upset at Europeans, we keep noticing... You're wrong. The better you do, the better our own opportunities over there for real, eh. And we certainly wouldn't spit at more Brazilian investors in France, believe it. So get wealthier, that's all my sincere wishes to you.

BTW that's right, I didn't know the Brazilians paid for some universal healthcare system. We know how costly it is over here too, but the question is how and what we'd do without it. It seems pretty unfair and risky to let lower incomes and the unemployed pay for their health on their own. And in fact, as you surely know, right? we've got quite a lot of low incomes and more and more unemployed to deal with too. Time is rough over here as well. So you know, you've just got these 2 obvious options left.

1 - maintaining the system just about the way it is at the cost of your private sector competitiveness. That requires to be able to develop some higher quality goods and services to remain competitive, like the Germans partly do for instance. Although even in their country, it's far from easy for all, I hear. Their overall quality of life is sometimes questionable in some respects. Too many low income "poor workers" in particular, they say.

Or 2 - reforming your healthcare system, just selling it all to your private sector to relieve it and ease their investments, which could create lots of jobs indeed. That's closer to the US libertarian way, but that's what we French won't do. How could the poor afford healthcare while they're still jobless or something? Idk. I don't think we'd ever give up on universal healthcare paid by taxes, it's just too risky.

We don't pay for plastic surgery, though! Isn't it silly? At some point, you need to be selective and pay for what's really essential only.

I think we went somewhat off-topic, but whatever.

My apologies if I offended you. That wasn't my purpose. I know Brazil ain't bad, huh.
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