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Old Posted Oct 22, 2013, 5:05 AM
tennis1400 tennis1400 is offline
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Originally Posted by ardecila View Post
I am admittedly biased as an architect, but I'm not in favor of design review.

It adds unnecessary red tape and delays to any development project, when the last thing we need is more obstructions to development. Look at Habana Outpost - the neighbors already lost the political battle to stop the project, but the developer still can't move forward (several months later) because he's stuck in design-review Hell. It's bad enough that city commissions only meet monthly to approve zoning changes, conditional use, etc.

It also constrains architectural styles and discourages innovation or fresh ideas. They're regulating color schemes? When did our city turn into a petty little gated community?
Agreed its a bad decision all the way around. There are so many blighted buildings etc why would we want to institute more red tape to getting new buildings built. We should be encouraging it. After my experience with these commission I can say i emphatically hate them and that the people on these review committees are not very open to any new ideas.

Oh and Aredicla isnt it lovely when you have to get your project reviewed by other architects that often arent getting much work because they arent very good. There wouldnt be any reason for these people to not like your design for personal reasons would there. This is the problem with these commissions ; run by people who often have alterior motives. If the city wants to have traffic plans reviewed for really large projects thats fine but reviewing the design of everything adds time to the effort and thats not helpful.
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