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Old Posted Oct 13, 2013, 4:53 AM
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niwell niwell is offline
sick transit, gloria
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Roncesvalles, Toronto
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Originally Posted by rousseau View Post
You really, really have to be aware of the streetcar tracks in Toronto. You just really do. The same goes for potential door prizes from the cars parked at the side of the street. Not to mention the cars passing you a little too close for comfort. Riding in Toronto can feel like a game, and that makes it fun in an adrenaline-spiking way.
Quoted for truth. 2 years ago I got caught on a streetcar track and slammed my face on concrete - $1500 later I am have a fake tooth.

And last night my roommate and I were biking home from the bar. Not usually the best idea but we do it more often then not. ~8km ride from the west end to east. About 200m from the house I guess I wasn't paying attention and got caught on a streetcar track again. Landed on the side of my face pretty hard. Got to take the first ambulance ride of my life and also got stitches for the first time (2 under my nose). My face is swollen and numb and I look like I have been in a fight. My favourite shirt is also covered in blood (no rips though!). Thankfully no broken bones, teeth or a concussion.

I biked back to the west end to look at a potential new apartment already today...

To be honest I actually avoid some of the streets with bike lanes including the separated one on Sherbourne. There are always far more bikers on these streets that I end up stuck behind and having to pass.
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