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Old Posted Oct 11, 2013, 11:09 AM
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Originally Posted by FMIII View Post
I am glad also to learn that he voted with the bloomberg's administration 91% of the time. I can now say that I am 91% reassured
That's not to say Bloomberg was 100% right on these issues all the time, just that there is not a large difference in how the two see development. However, since de Blasio doesn't think the rezoning is broad enough, I do wonder if later he will try to include smaller sites. But I don't know that he would want to start a fight like that, especially since the rezoning won't even kick in for a few years, and it's going through a lot of obstacles to get to even this point. (He's the likely next mayor, but nothing is official yet).

Anyway, when final approval is in place (likely next month), SL Green should have more flexibility to discuss design and begin its own approval process for the site.
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