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Old Posted Oct 10, 2013, 6:18 PM
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FMIII FMIII is offline
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This is not a bad design at all. It's a tall, stong, good looking tower. The fact that it is getting slender as it goes up reminds me of the pre-war towers (without set-back). The top is very nice with its big atrium and and its glass antenna. It will perfectly fit in the NYC's skyline.

Too bad it will take so long to see it rise. Midtown south is in dire need of a tower like that for it clearly misses a tall signature tower. BOFA's tower could have fulffilled that task if it had been higher or much less bulky at the bottom (both would have been better of course). Given its location, I have always considered Bofa's tower as a missed opportunity (another Dust mistake).

One question: NYC will soon have a new Mayor, and given the last poll it will be Bill de Blasio. It seems De Blasio wants to erase a large part of Bloomberg's legacy. Does someone know his position on big projects? Can the future city council vote a new ordinance to cancel the rezoning of south Midtown?

Thanks in advance for your answer.