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Old Posted Sep 25, 2013, 1:50 PM
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Salty Town
Join Date: Sep 2003
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Originally Posted by IanWatson View Post
Gah, that accordion bit is heinous. I quite like everything above it though!

The overhang, while interesting from a technical perspective, really does a big disservice to the Merrill Lynch building and to heritage in general. Rather than showing heritage off as something that can be tastefully integrated into a living city, this overhang design treats it like it's some sort of gross inconvenience that needs to be awkwardly avoided.

This would be a very prominent development, so hopefully we see some significant tweaks before it gets built. I do have faith in Lydon Lynch.
I agree. Lose the overhang and add five storeys to the main commercial tower. Lose the roof connection trim at the same time. Let's take some squat out of this and build a dominant tower while showing off one of the finest buildings in the city (Merrill). The Merrill Lynch building should be a dominant grand lobby to the tower and the roof top garden will get lots of sun once the overhang or is that "hanghover" is axed!
Salty Town
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