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Old Posted Sep 2, 2013, 3:19 AM
ILNY ILNY is offline
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Originally Posted by McSky View Post
Deleted your image. My impression was that when people post images of theirs directly to these threads, they don't have to be attributed each time they are re-posted. I share dozens of photos per week on message boards, some of which are rare vintage images from my own collection, and I don't insist on attribution when people re-use them in an on-topic, "working thread" like this one.

As for the "originating website" of your photo, I found it on this very thread.

No need to get offended and you don't have to delete my picture.I attribute every image that I repost here and when you look at this and other threads, you will notice that most of forum members do the same. Sure, it's not a big deal but helps to avoid any misunderstandings or perhaps it is "good manners". Also, you gave credit to NYguy when you reposted his image. If you don't want to do it that's fine but at least be consistent.