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Old Posted Jul 26, 2013, 9:55 PM
Crawford Crawford is offline
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Originally Posted by The North One View Post
Brazil's a third world country? Really?
It isn't really considered developed world, so yeah, probably. "Third World" isn't really a PC term, but Brazil's median household income is around that of Mexico, Turkey, Russia, Costa Rica, etc. Decent but not high.

Or, if you prefer, medium-income, if you compare to all the countries globally. Certainly places like Mexico and Brazil are rich compared to places like Bolivia or Indonesia, but poor compared to Western Europe, Japan, Australia, and US/Canada.

But, of course, because Latin America has huge income inequality, the top 25% or so of Brazilians live very well, and compare well with any country on earth. Most Brazilians I have met in NYC are downright wealthy.
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