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Old Posted Jun 1, 2013, 7:24 AM
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Nexis4Jersey Nexis4Jersey is offline
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Originally Posted by Alon View Post
Sorry, but this is bullshit. Maybe he knows how to make electric cars; I don't know - his cars don't function well in Northeastern weather. But he doesn't seem to know anything about trains, their power requirements, their weight requirements, etc. "Self-powering if you put solar panels on it" is the key tell that he's bullshitting; a full-length train needs 16-20 MW just to achieve regular HSR speeds, and even the expensive panels used in space, where weight costs more than platinum coating, don't have the efficiency to generate the required amount of power.
NJ utility companies have invested heavily in Solar power. So have many other Northeastern states , I don;t think they would have if there were no returns. These are not small Utilities or companies , there huge like PSE&G , Prudential , Johnson&Johnson & most New affordable housing buildings or complexes have panels either on the building or feeding it. PSE&G has wired most of the state with panels on most streets.
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