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Old Posted Jul 2, 2012, 8:40 PM
jackster99 jackster99 is offline
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Originally Posted by J. Will View Post
There's nothing special about breaking 1000 feet. There's no real difference between a 1020 footer and a 960 footer for example. I look at things like architecture and amount of retail space. Height is way down the list of importance.
Oh I agree J. Will, height is certainly not the end all be all. I think that architecture and design should carry a heavier weight then just sheer height. However, a lot of people still see a city getting a 1000 ft+ office or condo tower as a worthy benchmark to set and hopefully eventually reach. As Toronto already arguably has the third best skyline in North America (after NYC and Chicago imo), I think it is high time Toronto starts getting a 1000 footer here and there to fully put its skyline on the world stage.