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Old Posted Jun 8, 2012, 12:54 AM
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Excellent photogrpahs of the old L.A. County Hospital 3940dexer/David.

Originally Posted by MichaelRyerson View Post
Walter and Beulah J. Overell lived in a spacious, well-known manse in Flintridge with their daughter Beulah Louise, the sole heir to their part of the Overell furniture fortune. Beulah Louise had a boyfriend, George 'Bud' Gollum late of the U.S. Navy and, by the parents lights, a poor match for their headstrong but woefully naive seventeen year old daughter. A trip to the family yacht, the 47 foot Mary E., anchored in Newport harbor was planned. Perhaps to disuade the young couple or perhaps to become better acquainted with the boy.

But Bud Gollum and Beulah L. Overell drove to Chatsworth and purchased more than a hundred sticks of dynamite. Bud signed the receipt with an alias. On the evening of the 15th, now aboard the Mary E. in Newport, Mr. Overell suggested the 'kids' go down to a local burger joint and bring back a midnight snack for the four of them. The Burger joint was next to a bowling alley and that is why, Beulah Louise would later testify, they didn't hear the explosion. Back on the dock, presumably still holding a bag of burgers and fries, Bud and Beulah watched as the Harbor Patrol and other boaters tried to pull her parents from the burning wreckage. They would be charged with murder.

The trial drug on through the summer with much damning evidence of a time bomb and a hoped for secondary explosion, mysterious clocklike parts and more dynamite in the trunk of Bud Gollum's car, a series of graphic, lurid love letters exchanged from their jail cells found thier way into the press and when the closing arguments had ended and the trial was turned over to the jury, no one could say for sure how it would turn out. After two days of deliberation, they were found 'not guilty', the verdict raising cheers in the coutroom and on the sidewalk outside awash in spectators.

After being found 'not guilty' Beulah Louise Overell began to drift, finally settling in Las Vegas and marrying a bartender, Joe Kooyman. She battled alcoholism until finally, her nude body was found in bed with two empty vodka bottles and a loaded rifle. She was 36.
This whole tale is amazingly sordid MichaelRyerson.
Beaulah L.'s actions after the trial scream 'guilty conscience' to me.
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