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Old Posted Jun 7, 2012, 4:56 AM
3940dxer 3940dxer is offline
You can call me David
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Burbank
Posts: 271
The L.A. County Coroner's Office

e_r, vaguely in sync with your recent water and sewer posts, here are some shots from my recent visit to the L.A. County Coroner's Office, at 1104 N. Mission Road. Has it been covered here before?

The main building is very striking and is one of those places that seems very familiar, but is hard to immediately recognize. Incredibly, it dates to 1878 and was the original site of L.A. General Hospital. It was damaged in the 1987 Whittier earthquake and was nearly demolished but was saved by a last minute reprieve, and became home to the County Coroner. It claims to be the only coroner's office in the country with a gift shop.

The first L.A. coroner's office was established in 1850. In those days there was about one murder a day. The most violent area was "Calle de los Negros", but the Bella Union Hotel was a rough place too. An "H. Nadeau" became coroner in the later 1800's, holding that position until 1883. I wonder if this was the owner of the Hotel Nadeau, or perhaps a relative?

The original building, from 1878.

Another view.

Main lobby and stairway. (This grand old building only contains offices. Autopsies are performed and bodies are stored in a newer building next door.)

"Please be considerate".

Part of the gift shop.

Casket couch? Someone here has a sense of humor!

(Will add some older images soon...)

Last edited by 3940dxer; Jun 7, 2012 at 5:54 AM.
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