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Old Posted Jun 4, 2012, 5:02 PM
Crawford Crawford is offline
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Originally Posted by babybackribs2314 View Post
1.2 MSF isn't all that large for an office tower, and even with a 30% upzoning, 1.6 MSF isn't enormous either. Maybe 50 floors max?
The proposed upzoning would allow for a rough 50% increase in developable floor area.

This site is also eligible for Grand Central Terminal air rights transfer, which could be significant (though there are many other proposed towers that would want some of these air rights). There are over 1 million square feet of available air rights from Grand Central.

So you could very easily be talking about a 2 million square foot tower, like One Bryant Park. Perhaps significantly taller, even, because this is a much smaller footprint.

But this is all speculation at this point. I do like, however, the fact that they're referencing Burj Khalifa in Dubai and International Finance Center in Hong Kong. It looks like they want something soaring and iconic.