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Old Posted Apr 15, 2012, 4:33 PM
RyeJay RyeJay is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 3,086
This proposal is emotional for many. Even people in Nova Scotia are thrilled (and envious) about this Monctonian progress! I think it’s marvellous that so many people care about the revitalisation of downtown Moncton; however, I think it’s even better that so many people are becoming aware of this city’s sprawling problem.

I urge everyone reading this to advocate for the downtown Moncton events centre to anyone whom disagrees with its investment, not just because the ‘Moncton Centre’ obviously benefits the downtown, but because this development will have tremendous attributes for the suburbs. The tax revenue generated in a more prosperous downtown will help pay for suburban infrastructure maintenance. The tax revenue generated will help pay for increased public transit of which will make suburbanite lifestyles more affordable. Continuing along this point of suburban affordability, with the city bringing in more dollars with its new density, it is more likely to manage freezes to any increases in utility fees that must be paid by everyone, since using the downtown is using city infrastructure that already exists.

If only the Greater Moncton Area were to draw a tight boundary around the city’s established developments and completely, or at least mostly, halt sprawl. Halting sprawl would magnify the economic impact of this downtown events centre and insure that it does not become a squandered investment. There will likely be some spin-offs resulting from the increased value of the area surrounding the ‘Moncton Centre’; however with sprawl halted, this kind of versatile events centre going forward means Moncton city council would have a wave of private developers SCRATCHING at their feet begging them to approve their residential and commercial proposals for a much broader portion of the downtown, which would spread development interest up and down the Petitcodiac. Halting sprawl doesn’t only mean you would see a much quicker return on the investment of the Moncton Centre – but this investment can turn into a strong, long-lasting profit-driven enterprise of the entire downtown of which will grow even during times of recession.

*sigh* To dream.
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