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Old Posted Mar 14, 2012, 2:56 AM
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Originally Posted by GaylordWilshire View Post

I'd like to think that, given its low height, the building that's on the corner now might have a few bones of the old
cafe... but probably not. Still, what's there now has an interesting shape from above:

Gaylord_Wilshire, There are some old bones still rattling in the building on the northwest corner of Wilshire and LaBrea.

below: I believe this the same building that appears in your 'google' photo (above) on the the northwest corner of Wilshire & LaBrea.
What first caught my eye was the graceful curvature of the building.


......and then I found this postcard view with the street location.

found on ebay

below: The building as it appears today.....'Metro Customer Service'.

google street view

Last edited by ethereal_reality; Mar 14, 2012 at 1:56 PM.
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