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Old Posted Nov 11, 2011, 4:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Blitz View Post
Tourism was Windsor's 2nd largest industry for quite some time (until 9/11 happened which ruined everything). We definitely don't want to go back to the days when Americans were taking over downtown every Friday and Saturday night though.

I think one of the things that needs to improve is how young Windsorites themselves perceive the city. Older people seem to recognize the good things going on there but younger ones can be resentful especially when they're forced to leave to find better jobs.

After having lived/worked in many other Canadian cities (London, Kitchener, Winnipeg, Brantford, Brandon, etc) I can say that I prefer Windsor to all of them. It's more diverse, unique, safe, quirky, etc. The thing is, I didn't realize any of that until I moved away.
That's great to hear that you prefer Windsor to all the other cities you have lived in ( which is quite a few ), I feel the same way. I don't think that many Canadians think that Windsor is a city that would be a desirable place to live if they had choices to live elsewhere.

We need more local boosters to promote the Windsor-Essex region and get the word out that it is a great place to live and work. We seem to only to get bad exposure in the news across Canada, we need to change that, especially with the many accolades we have received lately.
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