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Old Posted Oct 11, 2011, 9:51 PM
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Cirrus Cirrus is offline
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2. The 2008 #1 running back recruit in the nation has four more touchdowns in five games with South Florida than he did in two full seasons with the Buffaloes.
Hahaha. High school superstar sucks it up playing against good competition, transfers to a lesser league, and finds himself a star again? I'd say Darrell Scott's failure at Colorado has more to do with Darrell Scott not being tough enough to play against top level defenses than anything else... Not that Division II Danny wasn't capable of wasting talent.

As for Boise, I'm not so sure you want to be in a BCS conference. That inevitable day when the football program goes through a bad run will come much much sooner playing against real competition, and the bad run will be a lot worse. Look at Utah in the Pac - they're not cutting it.

When you're a little school in a little market without a huge built-in fan base, you are going to have to rely on winning a lot of games to stay popular. If Boise spent 5 seasons losing half its games to Oklahoma, Texas, Oklahoma State, and Texas Tech, I'm not sure it has enough other resources to recover.

Even Texas, Ohio State, and Florida have down years. What has happened to Colorado in the last 5 years will happen to Boise as well sooner or later.
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