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Old Posted Sep 22, 2011, 5:19 PM
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north 42 north 42 is offline
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^ I've never actually been in downtown Hamilton, but I have heard many refferences to dangerous areas and very sketchy people there. I think both Windsor and London also have some of this in their cores, but not to that extent.

I've been hearing more good things about Hamilton recently than bad, which is great for the city's image. I'm sure it has a long way to go to lose that bad rap, but it sounds like they're getting there.

We have a lot of beggars here in downtown Windsor, but we're getting more new startup hi-tech companies opening up in the core, and I think that makes a huge difference in the makeup of who's walking around and how safe people feel.

I know that in London, there is also a percieved problem with crackheads and street people in their downtown, but I have never felt unsafe there, just as I have never felt unsafe here in Windsor.
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