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Old Posted Jan 21, 2011, 4:07 AM
halifaxboyns halifaxboyns is offline
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Wow Sue voted against this going forward too? Wow - that doesn't impress me at all. Will this end up at Peninsula Council or Regional? I hope to god (pardon the pun) it's regional.

Personally, I would've given it the go ahead because the design can be tweaked if it goes forward. It's funny how councillors seem to forget they have approved policy that says to densify the regional core (which the peninsula is) and location is great. Besides, considering the money crunch...I would think they would be happy about assessments rising, thus more tax dollars!

As to your comment about the spirit place spokesperson KeithP - I honest don't know if they are masking it behind the gay issue or not. Personally, I think it's just both....
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