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Old Posted Apr 1, 2010, 8:01 PM
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Originally Posted by fenwick16 View Post
That would be Councillor Outhit. Sorry Bedford, I know that you didn't want to mention a name - but a lot of people on this forum will be curious. (I think this is the councillor that you are referring to, since you posted something in the Transportation section previously). It is good to hear that Councillor Outhit follows the forum (I understand why he doesn't want to post directly - some of us, including myself, can get offensive at times).

PS: Bedford_DJ, could you ask Councillor Outhit if any progress has been made on setting up a building fund for a stadium, preferably one that is tax-deductible. There are people who would like to contribute money to a stadium fund. A stadium would do wonders for the Halifax area - it would attract events that cannot currently be held in the HRM. We just want a building fund to be set up (we know that they don't have money to build a stadium right now)!
Thats okay for mentioning his name. I didn't include it because there might also be other councillors who follow the forum and I didn't want to single him out. I of course also respect his reasons for not posting especially the offensive part since I, like others, are probably a bit over the top sometimes despite our best intentions (I try to stay fact-based as much as possible).

I'll try to remember to ask him his opinions on the Stadium the next time I talk to him in person.
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