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Old Posted Oct 26, 2009, 12:27 AM
terrynorthend terrynorthend is offline
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Originally Posted by worldlyhaligonian View Post
Halifax is a huge football town. Honestly, we are more of a football town than Saskatoon... they just have a team because it is a western focused league and are a bit bigger.
Agreed Halifax is a huge football town. Big Huskies supporter myself.

Saskatoon is actually not a CFL city, the RR's are in Regina. But they are embraced by the entire province of Saskatchewan.

As for size and support, Halifax is a larger city than both Regina and Saskatoon. 400k vs about 206k for Regina and 233k for Saskatoon. They have a slight edge in provincial pop., (1M) but not if you take NS, NB and PEI together. We have a combined pop. of 1.5M and a far more compact area than Saskatchewan.