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Old Posted Sep 5, 2009, 8:43 PM
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Aleks Aleks is offline
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Originally Posted by HomeInMyShoes View Post
I'm not sure you'd get a lot more mileage out of the D90 over your D40x. Some more megapixels, but all in all, good photographs and creativity are more a function of the person than the camera. I'm certainly no professional photographer, but I've been using a point-and-shoot the last little while. The creative process and photography in general is a learning process and there's always stuff to learn.
Weirdddd... I was thinking the same thing a couple days ago. About how I need to get more creative with photography and that the camera probably doesn't matter as much as what is being photographed. Then the next day I was in Ken Rockwell's website and I read his "Your Camera Doesn't Matter" thing. And the next day your posted this!

So anyways, I've put my camera up for sale. And I found a D90 with the 18-105mm and 70-300mm lens for 1300 from a woman that thinks it's too big for 'her style' of photography [whatever that means]. I have to go see it still but I hope it's what I expect.

And yeah, I like SD cards for some reason. But I only have 1 4gig memory card so I can invest on another if I switch.
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