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Old Posted Aug 21, 2009, 4:54 AM
Nowhereman1280 Nowhereman1280 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Pungent Onion, Illinois
Posts: 8,492
^^^ Why did the CHA build the Robert Taylor Homes, stuff them with more than two times their capacity of residents, then proceed to allow them to decay into a decrepit state of gang warfare and physical hazards? Maybe because the government sucks at deciding the best use of a piece of real estate?

If CHA wanted to be effective they would simply provide vouchers to their "clients" to subsidize or completely pay for them to live in regular apartments like the rest of us. I feel like not segregating the poor might help to alleviate the segregation of the poor? But that's a whole other story for another thread. Point is I hate the CHA and all their dumb ideas...
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