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Old Posted Jun 25, 2009, 8:22 PM
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Barrington south Barrington south is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 580
I think it's kind of sad, that a former beatle is making one Canadian date,
and it happens to be in a smallish city,
relatively isolated from the major population center's of the county,
and yet there seems to be a strong NIMBY like Resistance to location with people then questioning the benefits of of such an event..(and like Chris said, the benefits are not just financal)..
man imagine the commons as the Central park of Halifax, if NY can hold mega concerts in a park in the heart of the city, why can't we?....
A boorish, loudmouthed Alberta business man once said to me, doing business in this Provence was impossible and very frustrating due to his perception that many in the local community had a suborn backwardness.
I was highly offended by this, as nova Scotia is now my home and I love the Provence and I have invested my future here. If I was to generalize, the people too.
In my mind the only real exampled I could think off that is in anyway similar to this is the HT.
But after reading the comments on the coast "like the way we bitch" it seems their a couple more People in town other than the HT that fit the bill

The PM concert is a chance of a life time for young Haligonian's who where born long after the 60's and 70's,
and Pm will defiantly not due any tours after the next couple of years, the window of opportunity is quickly closing and hey,
the NY harmonics(of whatever it's called) would hardly be the same if it was held in some field on the outskirts of Jersey, now would it?
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