Thread: Dundas Update
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Old Posted Aug 6, 2008, 10:45 PM
thistleclub thistleclub is offline
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From the city...

Roof Collapse at 3 King Street East, Dundas

HAMILTON, ON - August 6, 2008 - At approximately 2:45 p.m. today firefighting crews from Hamilton Emergency Services responded to a report of a collapsed building at 3 King Street East in Dundas.

Upon arrival, firefighters found that the roof had collapsed in this two-storey building. During the collapse, the roof also pushed out the outside face of the front second floor wall, causing it to fall onto the street below.

There were three roofing company employees working on the roof at the time. They had just completed removal of the roof's shingles when they heard sounds of the roof starting to collapse, and were able to safely evacuate themselves from the roof area.

A full interior search of the building by firefighters confirmed that no one else was on the second floor of the building; people were found in the commercial establishment on the first floor and were removed by firefighters.

At the time of this Release, Building Department officials were on the scene assessing the structural integrity of the building and working to determine if any demolition would be required.

There were no reported injuries to firefighters or residents.

Damage estimates will not be available until a full structural assessment of the building has been completed.
"Where architectural imagination is absent, the case is hopeless." - Louis Sullivan
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