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Old Posted Jun 24, 2008, 2:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Keith P. View Post
Prove me wrong in that case. I can tell you that I have not set foot in the existing facility for at least 15 years and I expect that most HRM ratepayers could say the same. Brick-and-mortar libraries are rapidly becoming obsolete and this one is no different. This is nothing more than a monument to the ego of chief librarian Judith Hare who seems to have a Svengali-like grip over some in council. A cafe? Why? I seem to recall seeing one or two of those nearby on SGR. An auditorium? I was in a nice one right next door at Daltech/TUNS not long ago; why do we need another? I hate to say it, but I have a very strong sense that this is one of those things that appeals greatly to the handful of devotees who are regulars there right now, the same bunch who listen religiously to CBC Radio and go to the symphony. But they are a very small minority within HRM and $42 mil is a ridiculous price to pay for a facility that appeals to a relatively small number of citizens and which will also have huge operating costs associated with it.

Would $42 mil go very far to fix our Transit system? I think so.
Lack of vision.
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