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Old Posted Jun 23, 2008, 11:51 PM
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Keith P. Keith P. is offline
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Originally Posted by Smevo View Post
The Heritage Trust drives me nuts.

Philip Pacey, president of the Heritage Trust, is worried about the move to amend the rules.

"They've been in place for a number of years and they're working well. That's another example where a consensus was reached and now one developer is asking to change the municipal planning strategy strictly for their benefit," Pacey said.
Well, considering that nothing has been built in downtown Dartmouth in 25 years, that is one way to look at it. But the sensible way to look at it is that laws that protect a view of a derelict shipyard from a private golf course are (a) probably not very good laws and (b) probably have a lot to do with why there has been zero development in the area.

Pacey and the HT are on the run these days and are losing in situations where a couple of years earlier they would have totally stonewalled things. Long overdue, but watch out for them to try even more desperate tactics now that they are on a losing streak and the tide of public opinion has turned agaisnt them.
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