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Old Posted May 14, 2008, 3:12 AM
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reddog794 reddog794 is offline
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You're right, it's simply a speculation. I thought that the Angus was shorter than the MacKay, but it turns out differently.

To be honest, I'd prefer Halifax, growing into a seaside city. More Waterfront developments, more water transport. More pedestrian, and mass transit options. If you build more roads, you encourage more cars. Why not start to streamline the auto-minded 60's urban design, now? When we're still getting our Ball to the rolling point?

Either way a 1.1b dollar bridge is rather obscene. Are they going to install the rail too? Vancouver gets multi-billions of highway and elevated rail improvements, and we get a billion dollar bridge. I bet you, the ferrys and buses, you could buy with that money would move more people than a 6 lane bridge.
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