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Old Posted Mar 30, 2008, 12:54 AM
terrynorthend terrynorthend is offline
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Originally Posted by mitchellirons View Post
I'm of the opinion that peninsular Halifax needs more **people** living and working on it as opposed to more people driving in to work there. The HDBC's plan sounds too much like the Chebucto St widening - a proposal developed with the best intentions, but developed by people whose first interests are not development of proper communities but the facilitation of traffic.
We keep talking about adding density to the peninsula, either living OR working OR living and working, as an alternative to creating more access points that would be needed for 'sprawl'.

People who live and/or work on the peninsula will not spend there lives there. They will want to leave from time to time. They will want to get in their cars and drive out to Dartmouth and shop, or to the countryside to have a picnic or visit grandma. They will increase demand for access from the peninsula AND create a need for more parking ON the peninsula. Just as growth in the suburbs will create more demand for access to the peninsula.

I just can't see a way around it. Growth equals more people which equals more traffic. Whether it is going to the peninsula or coming from it.

As for the Chebucto road corridor..come on. Its a major through-fare and one of just a few access points to the peninsula..and has been for years..
Simpons had a major operation there since early last century, there has been a major shopping centre there for 50 years. There used to be an airport out there for crying out loud. Its hardly a sleepy community that suddenly one day, out of the blue, had an expressway dropped in their front yards. It can't be unexpected by anyone who lives there. And lets be clear... THERE is one short stretch of Chebucto Road..between Mumford and the roundabout, a pinch point on a busy boulevard. That area of town has some of the best community plans in HRM, those old airport lands. Good communities need access too.
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