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Old Posted Apr 5, 2007, 8:35 PM
Tuckerman Tuckerman is offline
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Originally Posted by BnaBreaker View Post
I wish the growth in Atlanta would slow down, for it's own sake. The city really needs a chance to catch up to all of the growth that has been happening there over the past few decades. I know some overly sensitive folks will take this as a knock on the city, but I assure you it is not. It would be a great thing if Atlanta, and many other cities, could temporarily stop growing so their infrastructure and transportation systems and the like could catch up to the growth. Obviously I don't realistically think that this would happen but ya know, it is what it is.

You make a good point. When the older cities like Chicago and NYC were growing at phenomenal rates there was also a consciousness about the “commons” that seems to be lacking now. When you think of Chicago you think of the great expositions, the Midway, the waterfront the great philanthropic museums like the Field Museum etc. Same with NYC, great philanthropic gifts that build the Met, the Frick, etc. It is hard to imagine current day entrepreneurs setting aside a piece of land like Central Park for a park. The real estate is just worth too much. Of course there are current day examples like the Getty in LA or the Aquarium in ATL, but these are few and far between in relation ship to the explosive growth. A similar point could be made for rapid-transit infrastructure now versus 100 years ago.
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