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Old Posted Feb 7, 2007, 11:06 PM
Via Chicago Via Chicago is offline
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Originally Posted by crisp444 View Post
We're better off than ever before, and many people don't realize it because they are spending so much money on luxury goods that it becomes difficult to pay the bills.
bingo. and thats the problem. part of it is the media/ celebrity culture we live in. in the past, people compared themselves to their social groups (i.e. church, clubs, etc). the people you associated with were pretty similar to you. you didnt aspire to having all sorts of luxuries because, well you couldnt afford them and it wasnt even an issue. there were more important things, like putting a meal on the table and paying the bills. now, you turn on TV and i think people truly believe they can live the same lifestyle as celebrities. the $20 drinks at the bar, the huge flat screen tv, the in ground pools, the designer labels...and now it is possible to fake this lifestyle by going into debt. which is exactly what much of todays youth is doing.
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