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Old Posted Jan 1, 2007, 11:19 AM
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HooverDam HooverDam is offline
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I haven't heard anything about Copper Pointe in a long while, I hope it still happens. However, I don't with the design. I think perhaps builders would have a bit more luck selling 'luxury' condos in towers if the towers themselves were more striking and bold. As is, Copper Pointe is another boxy building...I wish they'd do something to make the roof line more interesting (I do like that the building appears thin though).

Cielo seems like its full steam ahead and going to happen for sure, I've seen lots of billboards around town and they seem confident about the project. I'm bummed that they are doing it in two phases, which I think will ultimately only mean one tower, but 1>0.

Cityscapes obviously a sure thing, and I can't wait. I eagerly await some new renderings (the current crop are intentionally vague) of both the park and the towers. I don't recall, are they planning on doing Cityscape 1 tower at a time? Seems most likely, though my impatience hates that.

I still think w/ Sarver behind it, the W will happen somehow, someway in some form. I wish all parties involved would stop being so bullheaded and come to a compromise. If worst comes to worst, Sarver should either revert to the Bruder design, or find a new design that can appease the Sun Merc people.

'07 (February) will also mark my move to downtown, should be an exciting time....I'll get to watch the Portland Place phase 1 finish up, and Phase 2 begin from my window.

EDIT: Also, will CityScape be knocking over the building w/ the basketball mural thats across from the arena, or will the project just be adjacent to it? I kind of hope that building stays, just because I always have liked that silly mural.
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