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Old Posted Nov 29, 2006, 5:40 AM
Diddle E Squat Diddle E Squat is offline
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 597
Originally Posted by hoosier
Fuck you, you stupid ignorant francophile. Why don't you go over to Iraq and massacre some innocent Iraqi children with the U.S. troops.

And Britain very nearly fell to Germany in WWII, if not for the English Channel. Many French men and women risked their lives working for Le Maquis, the French resistance to Nazi occupation and helped make the D-Day invasion the success it was.
Lighten up, Francis.

Neither Francophile nor Francophobe, but simply frank (and indeed 1/4 French by blood, with roots tracing all the way back to Charlemagne.)

It is a silly design worthy of ridicule, designed by an American architect (a pretentious leftist, BTW, in response to someone's ignorant jump to conclusions in another post.) Sad that some Frenchmen were suckered into accepting this design, but much of modern art and architecture is simply about marketing. Lots of people will worship a turd if a Music Man tells them that it is 'art'. Heck, why not design the next building as a giant poop pile with genuine poop smeared on the walls, then some here can gush about how 'visionary', 'bold', and 'unique' it is, how it must be respected because it has never been done before, and how in 10 years we'll all love it.

Sometimes the emperor really doesn't have any clothes, regardless of nationality.