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Old Posted Apr 20, 2024, 10:28 AM
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SignalHillHiker SignalHillHiker is online now
I ♣ Baby Seals
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Sin Jaaawnz, Newf'nland
Posts: 34,837
In my impression, it hasn't really changed much here.

You can buy locally-brewed beer basically anywhere, even highway gas stations sell singles. For wine and anything harder, you need to go a liquor store. In the city, they're usually attached to a grocery but in smaller towns they're likely a section of the only superette/general store/gas station.

You can legally drink in public only at events like the George Street Festival. But, I mean, I pick up the litter around my house once a week on garbage collection day and there are always more Maximum Ice cans than Tim Horton's cups/lids.

Still very much a binge drinking culture. For most people it's not something you do every day, but it's something you do to get drunk. Lots of exceptions (I only remember seeing my parents half cut once, for example). People also seem overwhelmingly to drink responsibly at sporting events, concerts, breweries, and with meals.

Rum and coke still seems to be the default drink for older men, while women have switched to red wine mixed with Fresca or coolers. People in their 30s-40s seem to be doing mostly beer but cocktails are popular. No idea what the youth are drinking, if at all.

It seems very different than when I was growing up. I was out at the gay bar drinking (and worse; I feel so fortunate I grew up before fentanyl) when I was 16, 17. By the time I was legal (19?) it wasn't even a big deal lol These days, I rarely see kids that young out at the bars. Of course, I'm not going to Oiche or Martini or any of the spots known for a younger crowd. Firmly in my dark, live music, pub phase in life.

EDIT: Oh, and beaches. Anywhere you can have a fire (that's the rarer thing), you'd be having a few drinks.
Note to self: "The plural of anecdote is not evidence."

Last edited by SignalHillHiker; Apr 20, 2024 at 3:25 PM.
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