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Old Posted Mar 17, 2024, 5:53 PM
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I'm not sure we can assume that one set of vehicle will or should have the same service life in years as totally different models of vehicles operating in other cities and countries under different conditions. Factors like the climate and weather can be different as can things like operating speeds, total distance traveled, etc. In Baltimore the average distance between stations is nearly 1.5km while in a European tram system the stops tend to be much closer together with the system typically operating at the speed of road traffic. This means a NA-style LRT will cover much greater distances in the same length of time. So if their service life expectancy is based on mileage rather than age, Baltimore LRVs may have traveled as many or more miles in their shorter operating lives. If vehicles in each place operate for the same amount of time each day but the average operating speed is 1/4 greater in one place than another, you can expect vehicles in the faster system to reach the same retirement mileage 1/4 earlier.
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