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Old Posted Mar 6, 2024, 9:04 PM
thewave46 thewave46 is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2013
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It is interesting to see how things will unwind over the next decade or two. COVID accelerated our fiscal problems by a decade or so thanks to the mound of debt taken on.

Central banks are jammed against keeping inflation lowish and interest rate policy causing indebted Canadians to carry a larger burden. Governments are jammed against obligations to the Baby Boom and disinclination for the taxes required pay for that.

The global growth engine of China is sputtering, the US cannot maintain its expansionary fiscal latitude forever. Europe has many countries entering negative population growth.

On the bright side, if growth stalls, Canada can just stop importing people at the rate we do so we won't have a unmanageable spike in unemployment. Maybe housing prices will ease under such a scenario.

I foresee a 'lost decade' of Canadian economic performance at minimum. If governments maybe get their fiscal balance in order quickly, maybe the money men don't get wise and allow us to keep rolling over debt relatively cheaply. If not, well, that'll be fun too. Anyway, I expect getting our house in order will reduce our carbon emissions. Net zero via economic stagnation.

Still don't know what crypto does that gold doesn't to be honest. At least I get to look at the gold I buy.
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