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Old Posted Mar 4, 2024, 12:04 AM
OldDartmouthMark OldDartmouthMark is offline
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Originally Posted by Nouvellecosse View Post
Well sure, I already acknowledged that the tiktok post on its own isn't proof of anything when I said "A small variance in content weight is normal and the bag itself would weight around 5g. But having half the advertised content weight is definitely an issue. How big an issue depends on how often it happens."

In other words, not a big issue if it doesn't happen very often. So if that was your only point I'm not sure why you objected to anything I said.

So hopefully that helps clarify why it wasn't obvious.

Also, I think sometimes if you've disagreed with someone in the past it can be easy to see a new post and think, "Oh oh. A person I disagree with is saying something else. I assume I'm also going to disagree this time". I'm know I've been guilty of that myself before and it can cause one to read less carefully and conclude that disagreements exist when they really don't.
Yeah, sure, not objecting to anything you said, actually, just providing clarification as there sometimes seems to be slight misinterpretations to what I've written. Understandably, I might add as I'm often writing in haste, or fail to explain things carefully.

So we can agree to agree.
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