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Old Posted Feb 15, 2024, 4:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Busy Bee View Post
Takes all kinds to make a world
And most of them can’t be pleased.

Linda Harrison, president of the Haber Houses tenant association, dangled a flyer on a fishing line to demonstrate what she said it feels like to be promised jobs after years of “neglect,” yanking the flyer out of reach to represent broken promises.

“They say after decades of neglect we’re finally in line to get jobs. So my question is, why was there neglect over so many decades? I think that was intentional to keep [us] in our place,” she said, further comparing the years of broken promises to dangling a carrot in front of a horse to keep it moving forward.
So when given a choice between decades more of neglect, or finally something that can greatly improve circumstances, what does she choose?
NEW YORK is Back!

“Office buildings are our factories – whether for tech, creative or traditional industries we must continue to grow our modern factories to create new jobs,” said United States Senator Chuck Schumer.
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