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Old Posted Nov 20, 2023, 12:44 PM
thewave46 thewave46 is offline
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Indeed, importing people at a rate four times the job growth rate will certainly help that unemployment rate. It’s been far too low for too long - we need to get it up past 7%, stat. At 0.1-0.2% increase per month, the scheme will likely be complete by the Liberals face the electorate again. Maybe even quicker if the resources/debt/housing quicksand the Canadian economy is so stably built upon starts shifting.

Indeed, for the briefest of windows, low wage labour did have some leverage for improving its condition. Silly peons, improving working conditions are for Landed Gentry.

Fortunately for the Landed Gentry, the continued mass wave of people arriving have kept home prices high despite 5% Bank of Canada rates and their rental properties bursting at the seams. If for a moment one was worried about the Landed Gentry losing their overleveraged homes or their amateur landlord status, fear not.

Team Red/Orange, the real heroes of the little guy.
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