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Old Posted Nov 19, 2023, 7:29 PM
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Nouvellecosse Nouvellecosse is online now
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Yes I agree about NJB. His content tends to be excellent in terms of the actual facts and research, but the tone can be a problem. Everyone has a personal bias, but the NJB style of mocking places with development styles he doesn't like definitely isn't going to change many minds. That content is there for people who already agree to nod and say "amen" to. The best approach when it comes to changing minds is to meet the opposition where it is which entails empathizing with the opposition and explaining why their concerns can actually be addressed by your prescriptions.

Mocking them basically just implies that people with different priorities are stupid and their values and concerns are so irrelevant that they don't even need to be taken seriously. Which you're welcome to believe and it may even be true, but it isn't useful if the goal is to persuade. It's pretty rare to get someone to agree with you by telling them that they're stupid. Which is unfortunate because he often does a good job of presenting counter arguments and addressing concerns. He just doesn't present them in a way that people will find palatable.
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man." - George Bernard Shaw
Don't ask people not to debate a topic. Just stop making debatable assertions. Problem solved.
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