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Zapatan Nov 8, 2011 3:06 AM

if they're allowed 30% more air rights than One57, couldnt they go to 1300 feet?

Danielson27 Nov 8, 2011 3:23 AM

Did they use all the air rights for One57?

RobertWalpole Nov 8, 2011 3:56 AM


Originally Posted by Zapatan (Post 5472118)
if they're allowed 30% more air rights than One57, couldnt they go to 1300 feet?

It depends how they use the space. They could make a huge retail base which would consume a lot of space and therefore, reduce the height. That's unlikely though.

Peace amigo. :cheers:

RobertWalpole Nov 17, 2011 6:13 PM

I walked by on 17 Nov 2011, and demolition was proceeding. Extell has only 97 apartments to sell at One57, and based upon redhot sales at lesser developments, the world's "one percent" will buy them quickly. Therefore, Barnett will want to get this 300m+ tower rising once the site has been fully cleared.

RobertWalpole Nov 30, 2011 1:33 AM

Work on this site was in full swing on 29 Nov. 2011. The school, which was located at 220 W58th (on the northeast portion of the site) is gone, as is 217W57th. 221 W57th is nearly gone, and demolition is proceeding on 225 W58th.

NYguy Dec 8, 2011 11:56 PM

December 8, 2011

RobertWalpole Dec 9, 2011 1:06 AM

I look forward to another masterpiece!

njcco Dec 9, 2011 1:39 AM

That is going to be a MASSIVE tower!
That is a really wide and deep mid-block lot. I hope the design is inspired like One57 and not like the assumed horror at 432 Park...

RobertWalpole Dec 9, 2011 2:35 AM

This is what the south side of the site looked like on 6 Aug. 2011. 217 W57th is now completely gone, only 2 of the 14 floors of 221 W 57th remain and 3 of the eight floors that are tentatively planned to come down on No. 225 have been dismantled.

Dan Burnett

This is what the north side of the site looked like on 21 Aug. 2011. This building, which formerly housed Landmark High School, has been completely razed.

pico44 Dec 9, 2011 7:21 PM

Wow, this is just a gigantic plot of land. Considering the height we're getting at the much smaller Carnegie57 and Drake sites, would it be out of the question to see something 1500+ here? Maybe even higher?

yankeesfan1000 Dec 9, 2011 8:47 PM


Originally Posted by pico44 (Post 5510781)
Wow, this is just a gigantic plot of land. Considering the height we're getting at the much smaller Carnegie57 and Drake sites, would it be out of the question to see something 1500+ here? Maybe even higher?

The air rights acquired allow for something in the 1200s if I'm not mistaken. Given the let down of the Drakes design, I'm not so concerned with height here, more about the quality of the design itself.

babybackribs2314 Dec 9, 2011 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by yankeesfan1000 (Post 5510882)
The air rights acquired allow for something in the 1200s if I'm not mistaken. Given the let down of the Drakes design, I'm not so concerned with height here, more about the quality of the design itself.

They could build a 2,000' tower if they wanted, they only have 1.3 MSF of air rights, though. Something 1,500'+ is certainly possible--look at 432 Park and how they used the air rights there--but I would say something below that is more likely (1,200-1,300 is my best guess).

reencharles Dec 10, 2011 3:26 AM

Man, I'd be very happy with a tower 1080 feet (320 meters) on this site, but I'd be even happier if she had be 1148 feet (350 meters).

But I think for this site, what most counts would be a good design.

pico44 Dec 10, 2011 1:28 PM


Originally Posted by pico44 (Post 5510781)
Wow, this is just a gigantic plot of land. Considering the height we're getting at the much smaller Carnegie57 and Drake sites, would it be out of the question to see something 1500+ here? Maybe even higher?

I apologize for asking a question that had already been answered at the top of the page.

599GTO Dec 11, 2011 6:25 PM


Originally Posted by reencharles (Post 5511329)
Man, I'd be very happy with a tower 1080 feet (320 meters) on this site, but I'd be even happier if she had be 1148 feet (350 meters).

But I think for this site, what most counts would be a good design.

Absolutely not. Midtown needs to reclaim having the tallest building in New York. 2,000' is more like it but I guess I could live with 1,500' to the rooftop.

Rey88 Dec 11, 2011 7:03 PM


Originally Posted by 599GTO (Post 5512580)
Absolutely not. Midtown needs to reclaim having the tallest building in New York. 2,000' is more like it but I guess I could live with 1,500' to the rooftop.

Yes, a possible 2,000' tower in competition with the 432 Park Avenue tower.;)

kickser Dec 11, 2011 7:52 PM

There is another plot across 57th street/Morton Williams Supermarket which belongs too Extell too. What do they plan for it?

Crawford Dec 11, 2011 8:27 PM


Originally Posted by kickser (Post 5512640)
There is another plot across 57th street/Morton Williams Supermarket which belongs too Extell too. What do they plan for it?

I don't know if you're referring to the same site, but Extell also owns some properties on 57th between 5th/6th.

So are you referring to a fourth site, or this site closer to 5th?

THE BIG APPLE Dec 11, 2011 9:36 PM


Originally Posted by kickser (Post 5512640)
There is another plot across 57th street/Morton Williams Supermarket which belongs too Extell too. What do they plan for it?

If you go up just a bit you'll see that Morten Williams is in one of the buildings being demolished. It is located in the old 225 W 57 building, the one being demolished to make way for this building. So you are talking about this building. But the supermarket is not leaveing (atleast not just yet).

RobertWalpole Dec 14, 2011 6:24 PM

221 W57th is gone!

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