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Skydragon42 Sep 6, 2013 11:00 PM

Remus city, A fictional city!
I've started creating my own fictional city, named Remus city:)
Here is a street level view.
And here is a birds eye view.
Thats all I have had time to make so far, but I'm planning a world trade center, a world financial center and a world stock exchange! as well as a mile high building! Please tell me what you think, and where can I get some more textures? please.

Pzuriz Sep 7, 2013 3:28 AM

good start! I'll be waiting for more pics. BTW here you can find some textures, hope it's helpful.

Skydragon42 Sep 7, 2013 6:11 PM

Thanks! Now here is an update on Remus city.
The building on the left is four hundred and fifty feet tall, the one in the middle is five hundred and sixty eight feet tall and the huge blue one is one thousand and sixty feet tall! Those other small buildings are just filler.
Here is another birds eye view.
And here is a street level view, looking up at the buildings on the left.
Thats it for now, I've got big plans for this city, I hope I can make it about the size of New York city!

Vellu Sep 7, 2013 6:48 PM

It's good the see another city in here. The start looks promising. What is the size of those blocks? They look a bit small.
There's nice variation in the building shapes, but I suggest that you give some buildings more masonry facades. All the buildings seem to have a lot of glass surface.

Skydragon42 Sep 7, 2013 7:40 PM

Well It's going to be a modern city, and I don't have any good masonry textures right now anyway, but I'm looking.
Anyway I've added some new buildings since I don't have anything to do on Saturdays. And the blocks north of the park are going to be smaller.
Birds eye view.
The connected buildings are a hospital complex.
The street wall, I really like this.
Thats all for now. Thanks for the comments people:)

Skydragon42 Sep 8, 2013 7:47 PM

Ok so I've made the world trade center. It's made up of six buildings, the first one is one thousand eight hundred and twenty six feet tall including the spire.
The second building is one thousand two hundred feet tall. The other buildings are much smaller then the big two. Oh yea the huge one has an observation deck:)
A view of the skyline.
And A view looking up.
Well what do you all think?

SketchupFan Sep 8, 2013 7:53 PM

i like it,especially the tall one

Skydragon42 Sep 8, 2013 10:20 PM

Well I went and made the world financial center and the world stock exchange!
The tallest of the three world financial center buildings is the one with the narrow roof, it is one thousand three hundred feet tall. The building on the top left is the world stock exchange.
Now for the skyline.
And here is the view of someone standing among the huge complex looking up.
Oh! I forgot to tell that the building in the center of this photo is a hotel with an open lobby.
And here is the lobby:)
Well that's all for now.
By the way my city blocks are two hundred feet square, should they be bigger or smaller? and by how much? Thanks for looking:tup:

verticalextropy Sep 9, 2013 9:44 AM

I like it! That's good geometry. I see you made the smaller buildings first to keep scale.
Reminds me of someone... :)

Skydragon42 Sep 9, 2013 8:21 PM

I've done some more buildings:) I have to go to school tomorrow, so this may be the last update till Saturday:(
Here is the city hall on the left and the city court house on the right.
The building in the middle is based on a real building near where I live.
Here is a new section of the city that I made.
Here is a view from the back.
With the big buildings done, most of the rest will be average sized towers until I do the mile tall one. So thats it for now, please tell me what you think.

Pzuriz Sep 9, 2013 11:43 PM

good progress, i specially like that pointy yellow building, kind of 30's artdeco and the city hall is pretty good too. ThosE ebuildings look very small near the WTC ! haha, BTW i think you should choose a different texture for it (the wtc), a texture with more frames and floors would be better.

Skydragon42 Sep 10, 2013 11:50 PM

Well I've got a BIG update on Remus city today:D
This thousand foot residential building has a new texture.
The skyline is now huge:tup: And I think the dip is neet.
My thousand foot tall art-deco building has an outdoor observation deck! (note the fence is not broken, Photobucket just screwed up my picture:()
Here is the downtown collage.
I'm planning a very special building for this block near my fancy modern tower.
And I almost forgot the small businesses with prime downtown locations.
Oh yea that huge gray square is how big downtown will be, if my computer holds up I'm going to make the rest of the city too.
Well thats all, tell me what you think please.

SketchupFan Sep 11, 2013 4:36 AM

i like it

Skydragon42 Sep 13, 2013 6:38 PM

Ok so I've added many new buildings to Remus city:)
The skyline.
The special thirty story library:D
This cool building is one thousand four hundred feet tall!
The city has twelve urban farm towers.
And here are two urban canyons.
The second.
Please tell me what you think. And does anyone have any suggestions for the rest of downtown?

Vellu Sep 14, 2013 6:24 PM

This city is growing fast! I like how you also mix in older style buildings. In my opinion it makes the city more interesting.

Street level shots are a good they to present a city in a realistic looking way, so I suggest you give the bases of the buildings a bit more detail to get more life in those street level scenes.

Skydragon42 Sep 16, 2013 9:12 PM

I've done some more of the city on the weekend, but Photobucket is giving me trouble so I don't know if I will be able to post any more for some time.
Here is the new area, the tapering buildings are banks.
I've made a sky park on top of this building.
I really like the palm trees and went a bit overboard with how many models of them I have now.
Here is a nice palm tree in the park:)
Well thats all, tell me what you think.

SketchupFan Sep 17, 2013 6:54 AM


Skydragon42 Sep 19, 2013 12:19 AM

Alright! so I have more buildings in the city now!
The skyline.
Some new exotic shape buildings.
These buildings are shorter so that sunlight can get to the sky farms.
Here is a neat view.
Although I do like citys and towers, my true passion is trees!
A nice palm tree.
This is a Norfolk island pine, I have a small one in a pot!
Well thats all for now.
Does anyone have any suggestions for where I should put the mile tall super tower? I'm thinking in the back of downtown to the left.

Vellu Sep 20, 2013 6:35 PM

Your enthusiasm really shows, that's good! I suggest you try to add more variation to the shapes, sizes and facades of the buildings, otherwise you're running the risk of it becoming too monotonous. The green areas you've added of course help in that matter.

Patrick Sep 20, 2013 8:18 PM

Like Vellu said, I think that you should add some more variation and break up the boxy buildings. Also I think Remus is in need of a central square/park :yes: I like the 1WTC-esque building!

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