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SDCAL Mar 4, 2015 7:51 AM

As I feared in previous posts, NIMBYS have gone all-out bat shit cray cray on one paseo.

They are gathering signatures to force it to go to a vote and are backed by a wealthy person who owns a business in the area and fears the competition:

If enough signatures are collected it would either be a special election or election in June, so none would be the 2016 November election, meaning the over 60 don't tax it, don't build it, don't plan it, don't even talk about it crowd will be who turns out.

eburress Mar 4, 2015 3:45 PM


Originally Posted by SDCAL (Post 6936905)
As I feared in previous posts, NIMBYS have gone all-out bat shit cray cray on one paseo.

They are gathering signatures to force it to go to a vote and are backed by a wealthy person who owns a business in the area and fears the competition:

If enough signatures are collected it would either be a special election or election in June, so none would be the 2016 November election, meaning the over 60 don't tax it, don't build it, don't plan it, don't even talk about it crowd will be who turns out.

Without a doubt, the worst thing about this city is its people.

tyleraf Mar 4, 2015 5:06 PM

Kilroy is getting creative with a unique way to hinder the NIMBYs signature drive.

Chapelo Mar 4, 2015 6:15 PM

2850 Sixth Avenue was designed by my great-uncle, Richard Wheeler. Built in 1958. I have his original drawings for the building. Prior to this, there was a grand Victorian house on the lot (see below). Unlike several of his other buildings that are still standing around town, the Benbough building didn't age very well, and was a real blight on Sixth Avenue.

eburress Mar 4, 2015 7:20 PM


Originally Posted by Chapelo (Post 6937432)
2850 Sixth Avenue was designed by my great-uncle, Richard Wheeler. Built in 1958. I have his original drawings for the building. Prior to this, there was a grand Victorian house on the lot (see below). Unlike several of his other buildings that are still standing around town, the Benbough building didn't age very well, and was a real blight on Sixth Avenue.

That's too bad - what a beautiful structure!

mello Mar 4, 2015 7:39 PM

I am so upset at this One Paseo Referendum. Can't the City Council see that this is obviously funded by the owner of the shopping center across the street who is trying block thousands of jobs from being created and on construction and think of all the people who will be working in this major office project once complete.

This is the only major shovel ready non medical (not waiting for demand) office project set to move forward in the City of San Diego other than the defense contractors behind Scripps Ranch High!! This city has nothing else going on in terms of office building construction in the next couple years... There must be something the City Council can do, Del Mar Highlands has been the only game in town in CV for 25 years!! Now you have Pacific Highlands Village being built off the 56 and One Paseo so the owner won't have a monopoly on that subregion any longer.

spoonman Mar 4, 2015 8:04 PM


Originally Posted by tyleraf (Post 6937292)
Kilroy is getting creative with a unique way to hinder the NIMBYs signature drive.

I love that someone is giving the NIMBY's a run for their money. I find it humorous and clever that Kilroy is purposely tying up all the city's professional signature gatherers so that it is difficult for the opposition to get signatures.

I hope they succeed. 35,000 signatures is difficult to get unless they stage a major rally in Carmel Valley and Bay Park...even then.

mello Mar 4, 2015 8:55 PM

Where is the UT's "Watchdog Section" on this Del Mar Highlands Center paying to put this referendum on ballot and giving $3 a signature to the gatherers? Shouldn't they be informing the people of SD that this is simply a greedy business owner who has had a monopoly on the Del Mar/CV market for a quarter century trying to protect his own interests and being a selfish economy destroying f**k?

Crackertastik Mar 4, 2015 8:59 PM

Can someone explain why this logic is faulty?

Here it is:

If signatures are gathered to cause a vote to let the citizens decide a directive over the will of the council or official board, then the following should be in place:

A lack of a vote from a registered voter should be considered a vote to uphold the council's decision. A position of voters wanting to overturn a position of an elected council should have to have a majority over both an actual vote to uphold, and a lack of a vote (indifference - council knows best).

After all, that is why we elect these people, to act in our stead. Essentially we are saying - we elected to do their job, let them do it.

Northparkwizard Mar 6, 2015 5:30 AM

Okay folks hold on to your bullshit-meter and read this article. Please comment on it as well. Here's a taste of the comments,

"stupid enough to spend millions of dollars to live in an air-conditioned mid-air cage".


spoonman Mar 6, 2015 6:29 AM

^ laughable too that the author calls himself an environmentalist. Am I the only one that thinks these commentators sound like a bunch of hicks. "Gee whiz, those New York condos... here comes the railroad"

dtell04 Mar 6, 2015 7:31 AM


Originally Posted by Northparkwizard (Post 6939884)
Okay folks hold on to your bullshit-meter and read this article. Please comment on it as well. Here's a taste of the comments,

"stupid enough to spend millions of dollars to live in an air-conditioned mid-air cage".


I think I got a headache reading this. Anyone who pays attention to at least a little news has seen this project coming for years. How do the commenters not have any idea about this? What a bunch of dummies.

dtell04 Mar 6, 2015 7:32 AM


Originally Posted by eburress (Post 6937146)
Without a doubt, the worst thing about this city is its people.

Well put

dl3000 Mar 6, 2015 3:13 PM


Originally Posted by Northparkwizard (Post 6939884)
Okay folks hold on to your bullshit-meter and read this article. Please comment on it as well. Here's a taste of the comments,

"stupid enough to spend millions of dollars to live in an air-conditioned mid-air cage".


The only thing I learned from this article is that Emerald Hills Neighborhood Park has a great view.

I personally love seeing the Pinnacle go up as I drive north on the 5. These people calling themselves environmentalists is a huge joke. High-rises are the anti-sprawl, which is their greatest contribution to the environment and the only choice San Diego has to appreciably grow as a region.

tyleraf Mar 6, 2015 6:47 PM

Condo market is coming back.

SDCAL Mar 7, 2015 3:37 PM


Originally Posted by Northparkwizard (Post 6939884)
Okay folks hold on to your bullshit-meter and read this article. Please comment on it as well. Here's a taste of the comments,

"stupid enough to spend millions of dollars to live in an air-conditioned mid-air cage".


Here's another taste:

" This building is “San Diego’s Monument to Decadence”. We should rally at this location. Look at the pictures of this monstrosity. This is a misplaced object! It belongs in New York City not in San Diego. When we start to uncover the names of the people who planned this horrible structure. We must out-them as decadent Vaisyas who love money more then anything else.
I think here in San Diego we have to take that Monument to Decadence down. We don’t need a cement 50 story phallic symbol sticking up for all of San Diego to behold!
A monument to greed and corruption. What kind of people would want to live in it?
Look below at the homeless people, the scene is sickening!
Here is the link to the youtube video of myself and friend Donald addressing the city council about the “Monument of Decadence” "

Monument to decadence?

Phallic symbol?

decadent Vaisyas??

We need to "take that monument to decadence down"!?

Does this person really think they will tear it down if him and his friend go protest in front of it :haha::haha:

I'm trying to understand the point of views of these people, but I'm kind of confused. I don't like every project that goes up downtown and complain quite a bit, but the argument here is clearly aimed not at the project's design but rather its height and size.

I thought downtown was the one place even people like this accepted density and height, but now they don't even want tall buildings downtown!?

And the sheer drama of both the article and the comments is so overboard.

The article itself makes reference to "blotting out the sun" and more than one comment makes comparisons to "New York City".

Have any of these people been to NYC?? The buildings are far more massive than this one. Hell, have any of these people even been to LA? The skyscrapers that form the core of LA's downtown dwarf One America Plaze, SD's tallest skyscraper, and make it look like a mid-rise stubby building.

I guess these people don't have a clue that for our size, San Diego probably has the LOWEST height downtown in the country after maybe Phoenix.

Despite their dramatic comparisons, SD is not even remotely close to becoming NYC.

But what perplexes me the most is trying to figure out where these people come from politically and ethically. On the one hand, they seem to be environmentally-minded but they don't acknowledge the role density plays in environmental sustainability. Do they REALLY care about the environment, or is it a guise to give a nice backdrop argument to the far more selfish goal of "don't block my bay view"?

San Diego just seems like a weird paradigm. You have an older population where cranky liberals and cranky conservatives seem to agree on one thing: they don't want more people moving here and they don't want SD to grow. They also don't seem to give a crap about the long-term future and the consequences of not planning for the projected growth our city is expected to encounter.

Finally, there is the prominent argument in these comments about "decadence" and "greed". Is a dense downtown with skyscrapers and street-level stores, restaurants and parks more decadent and greedy than the "keep the riff-raff out" gated communities of La Jolla or Rancho Santa Fe? At least anyone can come downtown and take a stroll or get something to eat even if they can't afford a luxury condo. I can't exactly just show up in Ranco Santa Fe and stroll through the private communities there, I'd probably be arrested. And this particular commenter seems horrified that people would want to live in a high-rise above streets that have homeless people, but what would happen if a homeless camp propped up in La Jolla or in any suburban neighborhood? It would be dismantled and the people kicked out. I guess to this idiot, greed means out of sight out of mind as opposed to living somewhere where you actually see the realities of life and live alongside people in all economic classes instead of in some bubble where everyone is the same. San Diego has some of the nation's most expensive real estate, and most of it ISN'T downtown so I'm not sure where this density=decadence and density=greed argument comes from. Is it greedy to prefer a dense city so we can preserve what's left of Southern California's natural habitat from endless suburban sprawling??

SDCAL Mar 7, 2015 4:22 PM

Wow. Just WOW. SIGH

Leo the Dog Mar 7, 2015 4:35 PM

SD is a transient military/college beach town. Most people are uninformed because they don't care and will move on. The vocal ones are the older locals, that have seen change for the worse in their eyes.

If SD doesn't create a great rapid transit system, then building dense developments will exasperate the existing freeway system and arterial road network. We've seen what happened to LA. Traffic is an absolute mess up there.

I think rapid transit lines need to be addressed to handle dense development that is coming.

SDfan Mar 7, 2015 5:03 PM


Originally Posted by SDCAL (Post 6941672)

OHMYGAWD. I've seen this guy walking down 25th street taking pictures of the construction. He is a lonely NIMBY. Thankfully no one (except the Free Press, because they're a bunch of loons) is taking him seriously. Those visits to the council are ridiculous. "How about instead of a second tower you build a park instead?" Excuse me. Did you not notice the half block park right next to the development - being built by the developer?? Or how about how they get the developer wrong, or pull our some questionable comments on skyscrapers leading to economic downturns. Wow, Holy Guacamole.

SDfan Mar 7, 2015 5:42 PM

Has anyone else tried leaving comments on this article? Because I have and they're never published.

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