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diego_dude Apr 1, 2021 4:58 PM


Originally Posted by SDfan (Post 9235573)
Haha I hear you. But the folks I am working with are very influential downtown civic leaders and power brokers and they've made clear to me an additional 150-250 feet is a top priority for them in the next CPU. Whatever avenues may get them that additional height will be explored and taken.

And yes, working on FAR too. Also looking at minimum FAR requirments downtown as well so we can stop wasting blocks on mid rise crap.

What?!? 150-250 feet?!! This must be an April fools joke...

I'm new to the thread as well. What was Will's proposal?

SDfan Apr 1, 2021 6:18 PM


Originally Posted by diego_dude (Post 9235668)
What?!? 150-250 feet?!! This must be an April fools joke...

I'm new to the thread as well. What was Will's proposal?

No joke!

The plan is to get Caltrans to complete a feasibility study on whether taller buildings can be constructed closer to SAN than previously allowed. Why Caltrans? Because they are the actual decision makers, not the FAA. The FAA can set guidances, but it's state and local agencies that are enforcers to address liability concerns. We'd need to run a state bill to secure funds for Caltrans to complete the study first. The study will very likely show that modest height increase are permissible. Couple that with downtown interests pressing for more height, Caltrans would then have no excuse to not increase the height limit. It's not a clearcut path, and there are multiple pitfalls, but it's a better option than waiting for SAN to move to Miramar lol

mello Apr 2, 2021 5:54 PM

La Jolla Commons 3 is UC
But..... Its booooring. Looks to be just another triplet of what is already there and only 11 floors

Oh well its something but extremely bland and short :uhh:

As far as UTC goes I see Costa Verde being discussed a few posts back. I don't see where there are any parcels left for towers at CV. You aren't referring to the tearing out of the retail and the Biotech Office Space and hotel those aren't towers?? So where could more towers possibly go in that area:shrug:

SDfan Apr 2, 2021 6:10 PM


Originally Posted by mello (Post 9236831)
But..... Its booooring. Looks to be just another triplet of what is already there and only 11 floors

Oh well its something but extremely bland and short :uhh:

As far as UTC goes I see Costa Verde being discussed a few posts back. I don't see where there are any parcels left for towers at CV. You aren't referring to the tearing out of the retail and the Biotech Office Space and hotel those aren't towers?? So where could more towers possibly go in that area:shrug:

If you google maps the Costa Verde site you will see a large parking lot just south of the newest tower, that's where the two additional 16 story towers will go.

The retail complex south of the parking lot will be some midrise biotech offices, which I think got permitted late last year. Waste of space IMO, but whatever.

mello Apr 2, 2021 7:41 PM


Originally Posted by SDfan (Post 9236845)
If you google maps the Costa Verde site you will see a large parking lot just south of the newest tower, that's where the two additional 16 story towers will go.

The retail complex south of the parking lot will be some midrise biotech offices, which I think got permitted late last year. Waste of space IMO, but whatever.

Ok I see what you are referring to. Is it set in stone that they will only be 16 floors or is there a possibility of more height?

Niftybox Apr 2, 2021 8:19 PM


Originally Posted by IMBY (Post 9233239)
I can well-imagine what that skyline would look like without the height limits. Perhaps a thousand footer for sure!

In my opinion the 500' height limit has many overlooked advantages. The advantage of the height limit will be that shorter high rises that would minimally impact some skylines will make a measurable impact in SD, many of these infill buildings would be ineffective in places like DTLA with very prominent downtown cores. The 500' limit is a kind of sweet spot for this effect. The downside would be the distance the skyline is viewed at from is shorter and the taller individual towers will be less imposing in person. If LA removed its 12 tallest buildings, the skyline would actually appear 'broader' and somewhat denser.

unpermitted_variance Apr 2, 2021 9:30 PM

Here's the details on the Costa Verde Center redevelopment; looks like nothing above 6 or 7 stories. At least it comes with some improvements to the adjacent bike lanes and sidewalks.

Perhaps we might see some of the UTC mall surface lots redeveloped into more towers a la Palisade. In fact there's been a bunch of construction work right next to Palisade, not sure what's going on there. I'll have to take a look later.

sandiego_urban Apr 2, 2021 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by mello (Post 9236831)
But..... Its booooring. Looks to be just another triplet of what is already there and only 11 floors

Oh well its something but extremely bland and short :uhh:

As far as UTC goes I see Costa Verde being discussed a few posts back. I don't see where there are any parcels left for towers at CV. You aren't referring to the tearing out of the retail and the Biotech Office Space and hotel those aren't towers?? So where could more towers possibly go in that area:shrug:

Boring is right. The new tower wedged between the existing two seen below just gets lost in the crowd. Irvine South.

Here's another fairly boring tower going up right now on Nobel Dr. that will be 17 floors. I'm just glad it's not another Mediterranean design because we have plenty of those.


Originally Posted by SDfan
Haha I hear you. But the folks I am working with are very influential downtown civic leaders and power brokers and they've made clear to me an additional 150-250 feet is a top priority for them in the next CPU. Whatever avenues may get them that additional height will be explored and taken.

And yes, working on FAR too. Also looking at minimum FAR requirments downtown as well so we can stop wasting blocks on mid rise crap.

150'-250' more in height is all the skyline needs to bring it to another level. I hope it gets changed.


Originally Posted by mello
Ok I see what you are referring to. Is it set in stone that they will only be 16 floors or is there a possibility of more height?

Below is a site map showing the placement of the two additional towers. That corner will be dense.

sandiego_urban Apr 2, 2021 11:17 PM

Thoughts on the hotel/observation tower for the Seaport San Diego development? I don't hate it. If only it were 100'-200' taller. More renderings in the link below.

HurricaneHugo Apr 3, 2021 10:36 AM

Well it's certainly unique as far as observation towers go.

LAisthePlace Apr 3, 2021 6:34 PM


Originally Posted by HurricaneHugo (Post 9237318)
Well it's certainly unique as far as observation towers go.

I was really excited when I first saw the sketched rendered, now my excitement has tempered a bit.

The top looks rather awkward, almost like a bunch of plates falling over after being stacked.

Hopefully they refine it a bit.

unpermitted_variance Apr 3, 2021 8:28 PM

While the design definitely has its flaws, it brings something distinctive to the downtown skyline, which has been greatly lacking. Having a widely recognizable landmark in San Diego would certainly be good for the city's stature and help this place get out of being a second-rate American city.

Niftybox Apr 3, 2021 9:43 PM

Yeah, not huge on the stacked plates but perhaps it'll blend in better than the render. Renders tend to make things stand out more than usual. SD could use a landmark to give it character.

SDCAL Apr 4, 2021 1:16 AM

I like the unique design of it, but I’m worried about the height.

How tall will it be? That picture is very misleading because it’s over the water and makes it look like it will be significantly taller than the Hyatt which I don’t believe is the case?

If it’s going to be the same height as the surrounding ~ 500 ft towers I think it will just look awkward. Something like that needs to stick out more to make an impact.

Sorry to once again bring up the height limit, I know that’s a broken record on this forum, but this is one example where I think height limit makes the difference between iconic and awkward.

SDCAL Apr 4, 2021 1:24 AM

The link shows two different tower designs. The one sandiego urban posted above and this one. Which is the most current? Either way, my comment about the height still applies. They make it look taller in these renderings than I think it will actually be - unless it will be 700 ft

SDCAL Apr 4, 2021 1:35 AM

It looks like they’ve been tinkering with the design for awhile. I actually found this from a 2015 article .. SO GLAD this monstrosity was not considered, this would have made us the joke of the country

This eyesore makes me thankful for the good quality towers we have going up now :D

Will O' Wisp Apr 5, 2021 3:16 AM


The observation tower is going to be 500' tall. The angles are what make it look taller than the Hyatt.

That said, viewing angles and foreshortening work in real life as well. The Space Needle, for example, isn't the tallest building in Seattle. It isn't even in the top five. But its location at the edge of downtown means that it looks taller and more prominent than it would be if it were closer to the center. The same might work here.

The pics you posted are at least 3-4 years old. The tower had to be relocated because of a fault-line. The pics SD_Urban posted appear to be the most recent renderings I've seen. I don't see a date, but they look very close to a set of concept drawings made in 2019, which were the most recently released images until now.

HurricaneHugo Apr 5, 2021 8:09 AM

Looks like the tax hike for the SD Convention Center expansion is not dead yet:

LAisthePlace Apr 5, 2021 2:16 PM


Originally Posted by SDCAL (Post 9237796)

The link shows two different tower designs. The one sandiego urban posted above and this one. Which is the most current? Either way, my comment about the height still applies. They make it look taller in these renderings than I think it will actually be - unless it will be 700 ft

Now that is classy. Almost looks like a modern day olympic torch.

sandiego_urban Apr 5, 2021 5:41 PM


Originally Posted by unpermitted_variance (Post 9237604)
While the design definitely has its flaws, it brings something distinctive to the downtown skyline, which has been greatly lacking. Having a widely recognizable landmark in San Diego would certainly be good for the city's stature and help this place get out of being a second-rate American city.

San Diego is already well-known for experiences, eg, weather, beaches, the zoo, and the tower could finally give us a visual. I like that it looks retro and futuristic at the same time.


Originally Posted by Will O' Wisp
That said, viewing angles and foreshortening work in real life as well. The Space Needle, for example, isn't the tallest building in Seattle. It isn't even in the top five. But its location at the edge of downtown means that it looks taller and more prominent than it would be if it were closer to the center. The same might work here.

You make a good point here. The Reunion Tower in Dallas is even shorter than the Space Needle and the location of the proposed tower can't be beat. Imagine watching planes take off/land, cruise ships arrive, the train/trolley below you, seeing the offshore islands and snow on the mountains, all at the same time?


Originally Posted by LAisthePlace
Now that is classy. Almost looks like a modern day olympic torch.

San Diego has been keeping it classy for way too long, and it's time for more "What the hell is that?" reactions. :D

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