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MN/WI Dec 12, 2019 1:45 AM

That Manchester Pacific Gateway looks great. I remember about 10 years ago while visiting San Diego and the Midway, how that land was begging for redevelopment.

Dale Dec 12, 2019 2:32 AM


Originally Posted by MN/WI (Post 8773440)
That Manchester Pacific Gateway looks great. I remember about 10 years ago while visiting San Diego and the Midway, how that land was begging for redevelopment.

When I first visited SD, in 1990, there were active plans for those lots.

superfishy Dec 13, 2019 2:41 PM


Originally Posted by SDfan (Post 8772747)
It has been painfully slow at 11th & E. I will say I have seen them working on the site consistently ever since their second Pinnacle on Park tower was completed. I don't know if it's just a dearth of construction workers, them wanting to get the red tower finished first, or some site issues at 11th, but they are moving things along now. It's just hard to believe they started that tower around the same time at the Block by Bosa, and that project is almost halfway done lol.

Pinnacle is one of the few developers building high-rises downtown (5 or 6 in the pipeline, now, correct?), but it appears they're going to take a one tower at a time approach :p

Wasn't a small fault line discovered right around there particularly at the undeveloped lot adjacent to Smart Corner? Perhaps that's causing some issues.

mello Dec 13, 2019 7:40 PM

Not sure about Fault Line
Has anyone heard rumors of what JMI wants to develop on the lot they still own behind PetCo where the pedestrian bridge comes down? There was an article about 6 months ago saying they got permission to boost the density on that lot signaling an announcement of a pending project.

Also excited to see the proposals for the Lexus Parking Lot behind Park 12 that the city is now selling and taking RFPs. I wanted an arena there but looks like that dream is gone now. No downtown arena possible will have to be a new one in the Midway/Rosecrans area.

CrookedRecords Dec 13, 2019 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by mello (Post 8772987)
I had a moment to call the local corporate office yesterday and they had no comment on the delays/slow pace of that project. I told them I was a real estate agent and everyone in the industry is wondering whats going on with the project and the lady said we can't comment on it. So hopefully they get their act together and progress speeds up.

Still waiting on ground breakings for 1st and Beech, CA Theatre, Alexan Little Italy, and the Little Italy Parking garage highrise on Kettner.... Lets get these going guys. :cheers:

I doubt that many people in the corporate office know exactly what happened to cause the shutdown but I am certain that if they did it would not be mentioned publicly. The complete job shutdown was due to OSHA. One of the subs, (Const.......) I believe stopped paying people pretty quickly after the job began. Unfortunately some of those people were the tower crane operator and the company that was leasing the crane to them. As you can imagine everybody is in a hurry to get things back up and running but being the controlling entity of the tower crane is non transferable. You can't just say that one person is responsible for the crane one day and another the next. Everything from the equipment lease contracts and insurance to the OSHA inspections have to be redone from scratch or at least in an orderly way which I guess could also mean slowly. In an effort to cut corners things were done in such a willfully deceptive, dishonest and negligent way (by certain individuals, not whole companies) that they are lucky to have gotten off with such a small slap on the wrist especially considering some of the recent construction incidents that have made the national news recently.

I was working on this project early on and in my opinion many things that were being requested of the subs were impossible/not very probable and I don't know if any of those issues was ever resolved. They were in a hurry to get started but I am pretty confident that there is no viable way to dismantle that tower crane without using a massive crawler crane that would take up all of 11th street for more than a week in addition to completely blocking E street for many days in a row and removing multiple street & traffic lights. I don't know if any of you have attempted to pull a road closure/traffic control permit to shut down a major downtown artery for multiple weekdays in a row but all I have to say is they will probably end up lowering that tower crane down in 20lb. pieces in a home depot bucket. Those are just a few of the many many issues going on at that site.

That lot also has that massive 20' tunnel running below it that affects what you can do and where.

On a positive note many of those other projects are moving forward albeit slowly. Many are still in the process of accepting bids and deciding on subcontractors...

BuildSanDiego Dec 14, 2019 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by superfishy (Post 8774872)
Wasn't a small fault line discovered right around there particularly at the undeveloped lot adjacent to Smart Corner? Perhaps that's causing some issues.

Good day everyone. I was driving downtown today and drove by 11th and E. Looks like a lot of construction work is going down. There were workers putting up scaffolding for the second or third floor. So yes, work is continuing on 11th and E. I also was walking through Horton Plaza today and ran into a contractor, that is doing the demo on Horton Plaza. He had blue prints in his hands and a hard hat on his head. (he showed me the blue prints) I asked him about the demo and he said they are going to start demo on the north side of Horton Plaza, facing Broadway, come this January. He said he lives in Orange County and will have a lot of driving to do. That is exciting news.

Streamliner Dec 16, 2019 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by mello (Post 8775270)
Has anyone heard rumors of what JMI wants to develop on the lot they still own behind PetCo where the pedestrian bridge comes down? There was an article about 6 months ago saying they got permission to boost the density on that lot signaling an announcement of a pending project.

Just in:

Tailgate Park is officially for sale, international buyers welcome
December 16, 2019
Jennifer Van Grove


The city of San Diego has formalized its intent to sell or lease to the best and highest bidder four downtown city blocks, just east of Petco Park, where the San Diego Padres currently operate the popular parking lot known as Tailgate Park.

Monday, the city issued what’s called a Request for Qualifications in an effort to solicit interest to redevelop the site — bounded by 12th and Imperial avenues, and K and 14th streets — now home to more than 1,000 stadium-adjacent, surface parking spots. The lot, which the city is referring to as, “East Village Quarter,” consists of 5.25 buildable acres that could be used for as much as 4 million square feet of office, hotel, retail, residential and entertainment space.

“The city seeks to maximize the development potential of the site and the financial return to the city through the sale or ground lease of the site,” according to the document, which was published on a procurement website run by the city’s consultant.

A city-owned asset since the formation of the ballpark district, Tailgate Park is governed by a complex set of state regulations. The lot was originally acquired by San Diego’s now-defunct redevelopment agency and was transferred to the city for the sole purpose of future development when redevelopment agencies were dissolved in 2012. As such, it has been on a State Department of Finance-approved list of properties to be divested; it must be sold or leased at a sum exceeding its 2011 appraised value, which has not been disclosed.

“I think it’s the right time to put this property on the market,” said Erik Caldwell, who is deputy chief operating officer for the city’s Smart and Sustainable Communities department. Caldwell characterized the site as a prime real-estate opportunity for a potential foreign investor given his frequent conversations with visiting delegations.


However, the team could face stiff competition from a diverse pool of applicants given the site’s proximity to the water, public transportation, Petco Park and an in-transition East Village neighborhood that’s expected to balloon from a population of nearly 18,000 people to one with 46,000 residents. At one point, the lot was eyed by the former San Diego Chargers, which had hoped to build a downtown football stadium. It was also rumored in late 2017 that Blue Pool Capital, the asset management company owned by billionaire Joe Tsai, had looked at building an arena large enough for the NBA or NHL on the property.

More recently, 127 qualified, potential bidders — a number of them foreign — showed interest in the property and registered with JLL to receive materials about the opportunity, said Christina Bibler, who is the city’s economic development director.

The city’s Request for Qualifications process culminates in March and will be used to vet interested buyers or lessees. The top prospects will be invited to submit more formal proposals, with City Council expected to sign off on a winning bidder in October. The disposition of the former redevelopment asset is being overseen by Civic San Diego, downtown’s one-time planning agency now acting only as a consultant to the city.

SDCAL Dec 17, 2019 8:16 AM


Originally Posted by BuildSanDiego (Post 8775587)
Good day everyone. I was driving downtown today and drove by 11th and E. Looks like a lot of construction work is going down. There were workers putting up scaffolding for the second or third floor. So yes, work is continuing on 11th and E. I also was walking through Horton Plaza today and ran into a contractor, that is doing the demo on Horton Plaza. He had blue prints in his hands and a hard hat on his head. (he showed me the blue prints) I asked him about the demo and he said they are going to start demo on the north side of Horton Plaza, facing Broadway, come this January. He said he lives in Orange County and will have a lot of driving to do. That is exciting news.

Did he mention anything about the Macy’s lawsuit? I thought the project can’t move forward until that’s resolved.

HurricaneHugo Dec 17, 2019 1:02 PM

TJ getting a nice building in it';s downtown

mello Dec 17, 2019 7:20 PM

So crookedrecords says 11th and E is stalled and Buildsandiego says he saw active construction going on... Which one is it. Lets get this tailgate park sucker going asap that is going to be "huge" *trump voice :cheers:

Construction Note: Demo almost done at Park Blvd and EC Blvd. Huge project going in there I asked a guy who has run a liquor/deli down the street for years and he said it is 370 units going in... Wow. Surprised we have never heard of this one. Serious infill in University Heights.

BuildSanDiego Dec 19, 2019 8:26 PM

11th and E construction

Originally Posted by mello (Post 8778547)
So crookedrecords says 11th and E is stalled and Buildsandiego says he saw active construction going on... Which one is it. Lets get this tailgate park sucker going asap that is going to be "huge" *trump voice :cheers:

Construction Note: Demo almost done at Park Blvd and EC Blvd. Huge project going in there I asked a guy who has run a liquor/deli down the street for years and he said it is 370 units going in... Wow. Surprised we have never heard of this one. Serious infill in University Heights.

Yes, 11th and E is back on track. Those construction workers were not there for anything other than continuing to build. I will drive by there again and take some pictures.
Also, Horton Plaza update. I did not ask the (demo) contractor about the litigation between Macy's and Stockdale. He told me they would start demo sometime in January. That's all I know.

Andy-4-SD Dec 23, 2019 8:22 AM

I was downtown Saturday night and was shocked by the sheer number of homeless people. Driving around downtown maybe a year or two ago and was under the impression that the situation wasn't nearly as bad. However, walking around Saturday there were homeless on basically every block, even in the heart of the gaslamp on 5th avenue and 6th avenue. Felt very weird seeing drunk people almost stepping on homeless people curled up alongside buildings. Felt less safe walking by some homeless who acted more aggressive or irrational. Hate to see so many people living like that, along with health and safety concerns.

Anyone else see this problem escalating as well? What is the city doing about this, what do you guys think they should be doing? Looks like skid row in our backyard, can't believe it's any good for nightlife and tourism.

liat91 Dec 23, 2019 8:29 AM


Originally Posted by Andy-4-SD (Post 8782974)
I was downtown Saturday night and was shocked by the sheer number of homeless people. Driving around downtown maybe a year or two ago and was under the impression that the situation wasn't nearly as bad. However, walking around Saturday there were homeless on basically every block, even in the heart of the gaslamp on 5th avenue and 6th avenue. Felt very weird seeing drunk people almost stepping on homeless people curled up alongside buildings. Also, felt less safe walking by some homeless who acted more aggressive or irrational. Hate to see so many people living like that, along with health and safety concerns.

Anyone else see this problem escalating as well? What is the city doing about this, what do you guys think they should be doing? Looks like skid row in our backyard, can't believe it's any good for nightlife and tourism.

It’s like putting oil in the drinking water to combat climate change imo. If you’ve ever seen the movie Idiocracy, there’s a part where a character has a toilet built into the living room recliner chair. Lol. The places homeless people are aggregating is not a healthy phenomenon and the courts need to realize their decisions just might push us into a third world civil utopia.

JerellO Dec 24, 2019 3:43 AM

Another development coming in the future. Since this lot is like... super south of downtown and it seems they wanna build to the maximum height possible.... do you think they can try and build over 500ft?? Even if it was 600ft it’s like super out of the flight path.

Will O' Wisp Dec 24, 2019 9:01 AM


Originally Posted by JerellO (Post 8783732)

Another development coming in the future. Since this lot is like... super south of downtown and it seems they wanna build to the maximum height possible.... do you think they can try and build over 500ft?? Even if it was 600ft it’s like super out of the flight path.

Sadly no. CA state law says nothing can be taller than 500' if it penetrates an FAA Part 77 surface. Map of Part 77 surfaces around KSAN:

As you can see, the Part 77 conical surface lies about 200' MSL at that location. This means anything taller than 200' breeches the surface, and is thus limited to 500'. The nearest place to downtown a 500' structure could be built is south of the Coronado bridge.

Also, tons of people have been annoying me lately on when the new Terminal 1 will start construction so here you go:

SDCAL Dec 25, 2019 4:22 AM


Originally Posted by liat91 (Post 8782976)
It’s like putting oil in the drinking water to combat climate change imo. If you’ve ever seen the movie Idiocracy, there’s a part where a character has a toilet built into the living room recliner chair. Lol. The places homeless people are aggregating is not a healthy phenomenon and the courts need to realize their decisions just might push us into a third world civil utopia.

What do you propose? What court decision(s) are you talking about? I think the situation is far more complex than putting a toilet in the living room. I agree it’s not good for tourism, but what does the city do about this? These are people, they aren’t just like trash that can picked up on the street. They need to go somewhere and there needs to be programs in place to help people with substance problems and other issues. As bad as it is here, it’s way worse in other CA cities. I had friends visiting from SF and they said SD is clean and has few homeless people compared to the pollution, large numbers, and aggressiveness by some homeless in the Bay Area. This is a very complex problem and it’s not one that’s easy to solve.

spoonman Dec 26, 2019 6:07 AM

It’s well documented that SD consistently ranks in the top cities for homelessness. Comparing it to SF thought is a bit ridiculous though when it’s well publicized just how vile parts of SF have become with poop maps and the like. SD has a serious problem and comparing it to SF’s total s-show just minimizes the problem.

SDCAL Dec 26, 2019 3:50 PM


Originally Posted by spoonman (Post 8784749)
It’s well documented that SD consistently ranks in the top cities for homelessness. Comparing it to SF thought is a bit ridiculous though when it’s well publicized just how vile parts of SF have become with poop maps and the like. SD has a serious problem and comparing it to SF’s total s-show just minimizes the problem.

Another person complaining without a solution.

I’ll ask you what I asked the other person, what’s your solution?

Boatguy619 Dec 26, 2019 9:04 PM

I was in SF for thankgiving. Drove all around the city, walked around the embarcadero and warf. Didn't see any homeless the two days I was there. Heard the Castro district is where they all are, I did not visit that part of the city. However anywhere in SD you go there are panhandlers on the corners, I almost hit homless daily that run in front of traffic along rosecrans. I've had homeless spit on my car for no reason. I've seen them s**** in the streets along our embarcadero, try and fight lamp posts. I work as a diver and have to stay out of the bay when it rains due to piss and s*** in our streets. Its unacceptable. SD HAS become the worst in the state/ nation.

You can have sympathy for these people but it's time to take politically incorrect action. Sleeping in the streets is illegal, make arrests, drug test in custody. If they're not from here, bus them back to whatever city bussed them here. If they're clean, vets, trying to find work, they deserve top priority for shelters and jobs to get them back on their feet. If they're on heroin, meth, ect, send them to a camp in Borrego, Campo, somewhere else cheap. Only allowed to leave when they've become a functioning, clean, member of the camp. It shouldnt be a place people want to end up but it should be a place people get drug addiction help and learn a valuable work ethic. #boatguy2020

tdavis Dec 27, 2019 5:36 PM


Originally Posted by Boatguy619 (Post 8784992)
I was in SF for thankgiving. Drove all around the city, walked around the embarcadero and warf. Didn't see any homeless the two days I was there. Heard the Castro district is where they all are, I did not visit that part of the city. However anywhere in SD you go there are panhandlers on the corners, I almost hit homless daily that run in front of traffic along rosecrans. I've had homeless spit on my car for no reason. I've seen them s**** in the streets along our embarcadero, try and fight lamp posts. I work as a diver and have to stay out of the bay when it rains due to piss and s*** in our streets. Its unacceptable. SD HAS become the worst in the state/ nation.

You can have sympathy for these people but it's time to take politically incorrect action. Sleeping in the streets is illegal, make arrests, drug test in custody. If they're not from here, bus them back to whatever city bussed them here. If they're clean, vets, trying to find work, they deserve top priority for shelters and jobs to get them back on their feet. If they're on heroin, meth, ect, send them to a camp in Borrego, Campo, somewhere else cheap. Only allowed to leave when they've become a functioning, clean, member of the camp. It shouldnt be a place people want to end up but it should be a place people get drug addiction help and learn a valuable work ethic. #boatguy2020

“These people”? Disgusting post. I pray that you never find yourself in the unfortunate situation of being without a roof over your head.

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