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ethereal_reality Jan 24, 2012 6:13 AM

Much to my surprise there were two vertical signs advertising the Brack Shops.

Horthos Jan 24, 2012 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by 3940dxer (Post 5560522)
Horthos, thanks a ton for the great DTLA pics. I'm glad you posted those shots of One Bunker Hill, even though you couldn't go inside. The lobby justifies a detailed photo essay, there is so much to see.

And I enjoyed your photos of Clifton's, and understand the difficulty of those interior shots too. I tried one night, but my flash is just too small and I couldn't get anything worth sharing. I'm sure you would agree that like the Edison Building, probably even more so, it's very hard to do photographic justice to Clifton's. In fact, even the old daytime photos I've seen leave a lot to be desired. It's just very hard to capture the look, feel, and splendor in a photo.

The manager of Clifton's told me that they hope to have the cafeteria line operational by the end of the year, and then will revert to normal hours. Meanwhile, they'll be open on the night of every Art Walk. G_W recently asked whether they have made any progress toward restoring the original facade. Do you know, Horthos? If they succeed, that will really be something.

Also BTW, I recall coming across, somewhere, beautiful color images of an old Clifton's menu, but now to my great frustration cannot find them anywhere. Has anyone else seen these? They'd be a great addition to the old menus we've been posting.

The front still looks the same as it has for quite some time, the big hideous cheese grater thing is still there covering up the original facade. I walk by every day or two, so as soon as I see some form of progress, I will post pictures.

I am not sure if its been covered here or not, but the demolition of the wilshire grand hotel is going to happen soon, I heard late spring/early summer. As much as I dislike the building for its rather boring look, I still see no reason why they have to knock it down, its still a perfectly fine functional building, and there are plenty of parking lots that can be built on.

And if you have no idea what I am on about at all, they plan on building some big shiny thing. Thats the best way to describe it. Heres a link.

Apparently this will make LA more interesting, according to the suit dummies who do not live here and have no idea what interesting is.

GaylordWilshire Jan 24, 2012 12:37 PM Books

As you can see, this beautiful building--referred to in some places as the Torrance Market (not sure why)--houses
Young's Market Co. and the precursor to Safeway, the Sam Seelig Co. Young's gave up retail in 1940 and is still
going as a SoCal food distributor; the Safeway name was adopted in 1925.

The building was at 843-853 S. Spring...the two tall buildings at left still stand; of those two, the one on the right
is the Blackstone building.

KevinW Jan 24, 2012 9:41 PM

For years as I've lived and worked in Hollywood and L.A.'s Westside, I've taken walks through the neighborhoods. One of the things that has always fascinated me on these walks are the stamps in the concrete left there by the Contractor. When I lived in Venice, the stamps were dated back to the 20's. Now that I live here in Westchester (by the airport), most of the stamps are post war, 46-50 or so. Just to start things off, I'll post a few I took on my corner because they are replacing the old curb with a new wheelchair friendly one. And gone will be a few stamps. So I thought I'd run out and snap them today. Here's my street with it's stamp there at the bottom.

[IMG] IMG_1737 by KevinWCuts, on Flickr[/IMG]

As you can see, the sidewalk was laid in 1946 (or is that an 8?) by J.A. Thompson, Contractor and inspected on Jan 14, 1946 by R.Lawrence.

[IMG] IMG_1736 by KevinWCuts, on Flickr[/IMG]

Funny thing is, the corner wasn't laid until 4 years later by, J.A. Thompson and Son. Here's the corner that's being replaced:

[IMG] IMG_1739 by KevinWCuts, on Flickr[/IMG]

And the stamps on the edges:

[IMG] IMG_1738 by KevinWCuts, on Flickr[/IMG]

I guess the concrete business got huge in the post war years so J.A. Thompson got his son into the family biz.

[IMG] IMG_1740 by KevinWCuts, on Flickr[/IMG]

Goodbye old corner of Georgetown and 85th Pl. At least now you'll be handycapable.

[IMG] IMG_1741 by KevinWCuts, on Flickr[/IMG]

ethereal_reality Jan 25, 2012 1:16 AM

I had no idea The Ambassador Hotel covered 22 acres!
found on ebay
found on ebay

ethereal_reality Jan 25, 2012 1:50 AM

An interesting photograph from 1927. I'm fascinated by this women for some reason.

Woman in front of the Isham house in Summerland, on the ocean, built in 1927. Designed by George Washington Smith in the Islamic style. View is of the courtyard area with glimpses of the building on each side

GaylordWilshire Jan 25, 2012 2:12 AM Inman

Said to be an original color shot of the Simons at Wilshire and Fairfax. Gorgeous.

ethereal_reality Jan 25, 2012 2:35 AM

:previous: Wow...that's really nice G_W!
I'm guessing that there was also 'movement' in the neon as well. I don't know the correct terminology.....traveling lights?
I can visualize the horizontal bands of neon on the center pylon progressing skyward.

FredH Jan 25, 2012 2:39 AM


Originally Posted by GaylordWilshire (Post 5561998) Books

As you can see, this beautiful building--referred to in some places as the Torrance Market (not sure why)--houses
Young's Market Co. and the precursor to Safeway, the Sam Seelig Co. Young's gave up retail in 1940 and is still
going as a SoCal food distributor; the Safeway name was adopted in 1925.

The building was at 843-853 S. Spring...the two tall buildings at left still stand; of those two, the one on the right
is the Blackstone building.

Young's Market Co. in Los Angeles is over on Central now, between 5th and 6th. According to their website, they dropped the food distribution line
and handle only wine and spirits now. :cheers:
Google Street View

ethereal_reality Jan 25, 2012 3:06 AM

Anyone know if this plaque still exists in the Fort Moore Hill area?

If it's not long would be somewhere in the area of LAUD #9 High School of Visual & Performing Arts (see below).

below: LAUSD #9 is on the right.

....on the left is the Cathedral of 'Our Lady of the Angels'.


JoeW Jan 25, 2012 3:48 AM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 5562901)
An interesting photograph from 1927. I'm fascinated by this women for some reason.

Woman in front of the Isham house in Summerland, on the ocean, built in 1927. Designed by George Washington Smith in the Islamic style. View is of the courtyard area with glimpses of the building on each side

Hi ethereal_reality
Is That the Summerland close to Santa Barbara? BTW I really like the dress she is wearing.

ethereal_reality Jan 25, 2012 4:27 AM

:previous: Hi JoeW. At first I thought the estate was called 'Summerland'.
After a few searches I believe you're is up near Santa Barbara.

westcork Jan 25, 2012 4:55 AM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 5562979)
Anyone know if this plaque still exists in the Fort Moore Hill area?

I think the plaque, or one with similar wording, is near the waterfall on Hill St., under the large relief.

andrew_scot Jan 25, 2012 5:55 AM

oops, posted wrong, i'll fix it.

cantoneseboyLA Jan 25, 2012 6:12 AM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 4734656)
Main Street at Spring in 1939.
usc digital library

Notice the very 'noir' looking Hotel Chandler.

I remembered the Hotel Chandler, I used to stay there for a week in 1981. I had a clean tiny room with bed and sink. Gone some years later due to earthquake damage, I forget now what earthquake. Thanks for showing the facade.

andrew_scot Jan 25, 2012 6:16 AM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 5559993)
Welcome to the thread andrew_scot! Can't wait to see your photos of the interiors.

Thanks e_r! Here are some photos I snapped today on my phone's camera (my regular camera battery went missing so this is all I've got for now). Anyway, these are from inside the lobby at the Young Apartments downtown.
*sorry again for the poor quality...once I find my battery, I'll take some more*

Just inside the front door, looking right- North

Fireplace & Inglenook in lobby, North Wall

Lobby South-West corner, view from fireplace

Lobby East wall entry

North Wall marble staircase up to second floor from lobby

close-up of tile flooring

crown moldings & lighting on columns

Front facade scrolled corbels flanking either side of the front door

View of exterior from the East side of Grand Ave looking west

View of building from parking garage across the street. (In the distance you can see the 10 story Patriotic Hall building that's under one point the tallest building in Los Angeles.)

This is in reference to this post from sopas ej & Beaudry -

cantoneseboyLA Jan 25, 2012 6:35 AM


Originally Posted by sopas ej (Post 4598461)
Hehe you would think a place called "KLYT" would be for the ladies, huh? But no, it's for the guys.

I looked it up online; this is from a 1967 phone book, which would suggest that at this point, the Palace Turkish Baths had been around since at least 1905:

Here's a contemporary photo of 132 E. 4th Street courtesy of Google Earth:

KLYT is in the building that says "Charmed Fashion." It's the door on the left. Makes me wonder what this area looked like in 1905.

I used to go there by bicycle for a shower since the late '70's, it was called the Palace Turkish Baths, 132 E. Fourth. From what I heard from the manager, it was around since 1907, the same year the building was built. The building's name is Graham Hotel. Sometime in early 1980's the property was sold to a Taiwanese who done earthquake refitting, and I fixed the wood windows then remaining for him on the building, all others in rear were replaced with steel casements in the 1940's. I read from someone that Rock Hudson used to go there in the 1940's. I'm not gay, but I liked its time warp and it's steam room plus a cheap place to spend the night whenever I'm in LA. The entrance to Graham Hotel is at extreme right of Channel Fashion, 130 E. Fourth, going inside is very noirish, original 1907 woodwork. Now there is a new building built across the street for downtown living lofts. Time will tell that the area will soon be cleaned up of bums, making it safer.

TMSteele Jan 25, 2012 7:10 AM

Actually, the Isham estate was located in a small beach community called Sandyland, between Carpinteria and Padaro Beach. It was a Great Gadsby kind of place from the 20's; located on a sand spit separated from the world by a pristine estuary. The main house burned down ages ago, leaving only the magnificent nanatorium standing. Today, this building is surrounded by an Islamic style Plan Unit Development.

FredH Jan 25, 2012 8:21 AM


Originally Posted by ethereal_reality (Post 5559259)

So which bridge is this......sopas_ej?

I think this might be a little better shot of the area at Union Station where sopas_ej figured out that the postcard was photographed from. He's good!
Photograph by Dick Whittington

Here is a close up of the area:
Photograph by Dick Whittington

GaylordWilshire Jan 25, 2012 12:45 PM

My labels on an aerial that must date from between 1916, when the Marlborough School moved to 3rd Street from 23rd, near St. James Park, and 1920, when New Windsor Square opened (above 3rd St and between Larchmont and Irving, north, more or less, to Beverly Blvd. (Btw, at this point Beverly was still called Temple on maps.)

The north-south line of trees between Plymouth and Lucerne marks the boundary of the first two sections of Windsor Square... somewhere in the noirish past I posted some pics showing how the surfaces of some east-west streets change abruptly at that boundary--concrete in Windsor Square, asphalt in the Wilshire Heights addition....


Since I went a little overboard with the labels, here's the original shot...
(USC has identified this shot as including a view of West Adams. It doesn't.)

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