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bmfarley Feb 19, 2008 1:23 AM

I cruised downtown today and snapped some pictures of Bayside, Breeza and Saphire. And one of Vantage Point.




Vantage Point

northbay Feb 19, 2008 1:32 AM

wow, these are making a lot of progress

thanks for the construction update finally ;)

HurricaneHugo Feb 19, 2008 1:41 AM


Originally Posted by visionary (Post 3363069)
Anybody know anything about this project?

Seen in a couple of times before, not exactly sure if it will actually be built.

Urban Sky Feb 19, 2008 4:35 AM

hey san diego urban - thanks for the airport renderings. too bad its still for our lame one-runway airport. they need to just move it. for the current location, i couldnt think of a better design then the one above but its never going to solve all the other problems.

HurricaneHugo Feb 19, 2008 8:33 AM

What the hell??!

We're having a city election soon?

I just noticed a bunch of vote for steve francis for mayor (or something like that) driving home today

ShekelPop Feb 19, 2008 6:05 PM


Originally Posted by HurricaneHugo (Post 3363222)
Seen in a couple of times before, not exactly sure if it will actually be built.

I remember looking at that concept once before, I seem to recall that this hotel would have been located where the proposed Spinnaker hotel is supposed to be constructed.

Urban Sky Feb 20, 2008 4:37 PM


Originally Posted by HurricaneHugo (Post 3363994)
What the hell??!

We're having a city election soon?

I just noticed a bunch of vote for steve francis for mayor (or something like that) driving home today

We are??? I havent seen anything

CoastersBolts Feb 20, 2008 9:02 PM

^Yes, we are. Mayor, city attorney, and most of the city council are up for grabs. Councilmember Brian Maeinschein (R) and Council President Scott Peters (D) are among the challengers to Mike Aguirre for the city attorney's race and Mayor Sanders will be up against Steve Francis in the mayor's race. The election is in June for all positions and the top two in each will match up in a run off election in November.

SDCAL Feb 20, 2008 9:58 PM


Originally Posted by ShekelPop (Post 3364559)
I remember looking at that concept once before, I seem to recall that this hotel would have been located where the proposed Spinnaker hotel is supposed to be constructed.

I like it better than the Spinnaker proposal ;)

keg92101 Feb 21, 2008 5:12 AM


Originally Posted by SDCAL (Post 3367870)
I like it better than the Spinnaker proposal ;)

There's going to be a public input meeting on the redevelopment of the Civic Centre tomorrow. Anyone planning on going? I am hoping that Hines is going to win the deal. They are in partnership with Pelli Clarke, who has done some amazing buildings, including SF's new Trans-Bay terminal.

bushman61988 Feb 21, 2008 5:38 AM


Originally Posted by keg92101 (Post 3368788)
There's going to be a public input meeting on the redevelopment of the Civic Centre tomorrow. Anyone planning on going? I am hoping that Hines is going to win the deal. They are in partnership with Pelli Clarke, who has done some amazing buildings, including SF's new Trans-Bay terminal.

I'm not sure, but I was VERY disappointed when I read the following story on the Union Tribune:

"Neither developer is marketing itself as the one that will bring an iconic City Hall complex to San Diego.

“This is an opportunity for San Diego to take its rightful place at the table of top 10 cities, but my solution for that would not be architecture,” Cody said.

The solution would be a more user-friendly civic center that fixes one of the city's financial problems, he said.

The architect chosen by Hines, Twardowski said, would build “a great office building first, that functions very well and that matches the budget, and then they are excellent at melding that with beautiful architecture.” "

EXCUSE ME??? The solution IS NOT ARCHITECTURE?? What kind of development group is this?! You guys are designing a F****** Civic Center for one of the largest cities in the United States and you don't care about Architecture?!?!

Why am I so surprised...this is just perfect for San Diego...another ugly-ass civic center that will be outdated in another 10 years.

This town has no sense of style or vision whatsoever.

keg92101 Feb 21, 2008 5:57 AM


Originally Posted by bushman61988 (Post 3368839)
I'm not sure, but I was VERY disappointed when I read the following story on the Union Tribune:

"Neither developer is marketing itself as the one that will bring an iconic City Hall complex to San Diego.

“This is an opportunity for San Diego to take its rightful place at the table of top 10 cities, but my solution for that would not be architecture,” Cody said.

The solution would be a more user-friendly civic center that fixes one of the city's financial problems, he said.

The architect chosen by Hines, Twardowski said, would build “a great office building first, that functions very well and that matches the budget, and then they are excellent at melding that with beautiful architecture.” "

EXCUSE ME??? The solution IS NOT ARCHITECTURE?? What kind of development group is this?! You guys are designing a F****** Civic Center for one of the largest cities in the United States and you don't care about Architecture?!?!

Why am I so surprised...this is just perfect for San Diego...another ugly-ass civic center that will be outdated in another 10 years.

This town has no sense of style or vision whatsoever.

You missed it the whole point. Cody from Portland's firm won't be chosen because they don't plan on doing a 1st class facility. The fact that Hines has chosen Pelli Clarke, and has a long standing history of architectural iconic developments is why they will be selected. Hines/PC will design a great city office tower, and then blend everything to compiment that. Keep the faith. If CCDC is in charge of the selection, it will be Hines.

You also have to understand, that the city is terified of earmarking funds for this project, due to an outcry of the suburbs crying for the city to fix their streets! The future of SD is in the city proper: South of 8, west of 15.

HurricaneHugo Feb 21, 2008 9:15 AM

Damnit, i'm just east of the 15. :(

dl3000 Feb 21, 2008 11:15 AM

Wait so how is the city paying for this? Honestly, knowing the financial state and whatnot, I was expecting to see a new airport before a new civic center since airports getting funding from all over but I guess its easier to build an urban complex than an airport. Funny how that works.

keg92101 Feb 21, 2008 5:34 PM


Originally Posted by dl3000 (Post 3369167)
Wait so how is the city paying for this? Honestly, knowing the financial state and whatnot, I was expecting to see a new airport before a new civic center since airports getting funding from all over but I guess its easier to build an urban complex than an airport. Funny how that works.

It will be a public/private investment. The city will only invest in the project if it equals or is less than what they currently pay for office space + expenses.

staplesla Feb 21, 2008 8:09 PM

SD International Airport
Hey guys, Jim Madaffer, city council member, sent me the following email:

"Could you please tell me where you might suggest we build a DFW type airport in San Diego County ? 35 years of studies have failed miserably to identify a site, voters have twice rejected Miramar and I doubt more land is available today than there was back then.



I've replied with what I believe would be a good location.

I'm curious though where you all could envision a new airport.

Jobohimself Feb 21, 2008 10:02 PM

What about all that vacant land off SR 56?

It doesn't look like SD will have a proper Financial District, at least in my lifetime...

Derek Feb 21, 2008 10:17 PM

All those people off the 56 would have the biggest shit fit you've ever seen.

CoastersBolts Feb 21, 2008 11:21 PM

^^ A San Diego City Councilmember actually replied to you?! I've written letters many, many times (and yes, they've all been courteous, nice, and respectful) and never once have I been written back. Madaffer probably feels he has nothing to lose at this point since his term is up.

dl3000 Feb 21, 2008 11:42 PM

Yeah ONLY place you can build a DFW is the desert, period. Now if you want to talk maybe an LAX or something like sky harbor then I still can't get over Miramar because nobody would want to travel to campo or camp pendleton and otay has a mountain in the way. Maybe if they made a deal with mexico on sharing airspace or something they could turn the runways in otay so that the approach would be from the south but thats too many strings to pull.

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