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HurricaneHugo Mar 2, 2007 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by SD_Phil (Post 2659405)
What's going up in UTC? I live literally a block away from this thing and know nothing about it? It's already a good 10 stories above ground level? (I can see it from my office at UCSD too).

you work at ucsd?

it be crazy if you were one of my professors/ta's:banana:

eburress Mar 2, 2007 5:14 PM


Originally Posted by bmfarley (Post 2660807)
One America Plaza 2 to be a signature tower? from what i understand, I M Pei is the right firm. But, willl it get lost behind other towers as tall or taller than it? OAP 1, Electra, NBC stuff, Grand Towers, Saphire, Bosa, the 2 hotel towers just approved, etc?

Oops - I meant it is the Bosa project/site that is now slated to become a signature office tower, designed by Pei Cobb Freed & Co. Whoever said it is right though. Because of the height limits, the building could get lost behind numerous other buildings in front of it.

Once again, we're screwed by that oppressive height limit.

keg92101 Mar 2, 2007 8:38 PM


Originally Posted by stockjock (Post 2660732)
I bought my unit in early 2004. At the time of purchase, the estimated completion date was late 2006 (I still have a photo showing this). Quickly, it was revised to early 2007, then mid 2007, then late 2007 and now late 2008, if we're lucky.

I think I got a good price, but the developer is calling this a luxury building while I believe that they're really a budget builder. It will be interesting to see how it turns out. Frankly, I probably would have bailed out of frustration on a number of counts, including the delay, but I couldn't touch a unit with a south-facing view from 310 feet up for what I paid.

For what it's worth, a lot of my friends with great views would go back and trade the view for a better place any day of the week. They tell me that you don't even notice the view after about a month. But hey, to each his own...

keg92101 Mar 2, 2007 8:44 PM


Originally Posted by sandiego_urban (Post 2661028)
Two America Plaza is a different project from the Irvine proposal. If built, 2AP will rise from the unfinished half of the One America Plaza block (where the big hole is now). Remember when they proposed building a new main library there at one time? These were posted some time ago if you haven't seen them before. The proposal is for 37 floors and 417' tall:

FYI - The Irvine site is across the street from Electra on the northeast corner of Broadway and Pacific Highway.

Last word I heard was that CCDC owns the site and wants to put a park/plaza there for a few reasons.

1- lack of open space in the columbia area, east of pacific highway.
2- The garage below was structurally designed for only 5-7 stories, and anything taller would mean that the structure would have to be taken all the way down to the bottom of the garage, and redesigned.

eburress Mar 2, 2007 8:47 PM

^^ That's too bad. Parks are nice, but I really liked this building at this spot.

Derek Mar 2, 2007 11:05 PM

^^i agree, parks are nice...but thats not the place for one...

stockjock Mar 3, 2007 1:00 AM


Originally Posted by keg92101 (Post 2661969)
For what it's worth, a lot of my friends with great views would go back and trade the view for a better place any day of the week. They tell me that you don't even notice the view after about a month. But hey, to each his own...

It's hard to imagine that one wouldn't appreciate a panoramic view of downtown and the bay from 300'+ in the air after a month. To each their own, I suppose.

obendega Mar 3, 2007 1:09 AM

@ keg92101

We have a decent view of downtown and the ocean from our Banker's hill apartment and I sit and enjoy it every day. We've only been here 8 months but don't see ever tiring of the view.

True that everyone is different.

Derek Mar 3, 2007 1:10 AM


Originally Posted by sandiego_urban (Post 2661028)
Two America Plaza is a different project from the Irvine proposal. If built, 2AP will rise from the unfinished half of the One America Plaza block (where the big hole is now). Remember when they proposed building a new main library there at one time? These were posted some time ago if you haven't seen them before. The proposal is for 37 floors and 417' tall:

FYI - The Irvine site is across the street from Electra on the northeast corner of Broadway and Pacific Highway.

i totally get this you threw me off by the "hole"...that hole is a huge gray slab right? and if built, it would almost entirely be obstructed by one of the Grande towers right? right across from the Corporate Center building

SD_Phil Mar 3, 2007 1:38 AM


Originally Posted by HurricaneHugo (Post 2661168)
you work at ucsd?

it be crazy if you were one of my professors/ta's:banana:

Yeah I do ;) I'm a grad student but I do teach courses here. My office is in HSS in Muir college on the 8th floor so the view is nice. Any idea what's under construction? It looks like it's a part of Costa Verde?

Derek Mar 3, 2007 2:09 AM

not sure if its this, it doesnt have pictures, but its the only thing really under construction up there...

eburress Mar 3, 2007 2:48 AM


Originally Posted by SD_Phil (Post 2662468)
Yeah I do ;) I'm a grad student but I do teach courses here. My office is in HSS in Muir college on the 8th floor so the view is nice. Any idea what's under construction? It looks like it's a part of Costa Verde?

Someone here had posted some photos of it about six months ago. Do some digging through one of the old threads. There was a link to the building/developer's website too. I think it was some an apartment building geared towards seniors.

HurricaneHugo Mar 3, 2007 4:24 AM


Originally Posted by SD_Phil (Post 2662468)
Yeah I do ;) I'm a grad student but I do teach courses here. My office is in HSS in Muir college on the 8th floor so the view is nice. Any idea what's under construction? It looks like it's a part of Costa Verde?

Wouldn't be Muir 40/50?


Derek Mar 3, 2007 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by eburress (Post 2662558)
Someone here had posted some photos of it about six months ago. Do some digging through one of the old threads. There was a link to the building/developer's website too. I think it was some an apartment building geared towards seniors.

im pretty sure its the Hyatt Residences...i could be mistaken though

bmfarley Mar 5, 2007 6:12 AM

bump..., anyone read the Ivanka Trump article about the envitable future to bring a high/top tier hotel to San Diego? Pasted below from the SD tribune:

She's the real deal

Derek Mar 5, 2007 6:21 AM

i did read that earlier...i was gonna scan it on to here tomorrow...and i have to say im liking the plan...

bmfarley Mar 5, 2007 6:31 AM


Originally Posted by Derek loves SD (Post 2665982)
i did read that earlier...i was gonna scan it on to here tomorrow...and i have to say im liking the plan...

Yeah, but you gotta wonder if she was speaking out her ____? I know she's a Trump, but to basically say that she'll be back with plans for a top class hotel seem pretty heady to me.

But, let's speculate where it might go, shall we?

I'll guess it'll be one of the properties along Pacific Highway between Broadway and G Street.

Derek Mar 5, 2007 6:33 AM


Originally Posted by bmfarley (Post 2665998)
Yeah, but you gotta wonder if she was speaking out her bum hole? I know she's a Trump, but to basically say that she'll be back with plans for a top class hotel seem pretty heady to me.

But, let's speculate where it might go, shall we?

I'll guess it'll be one of the properties along Pacific Highway between Broadway and G Street.

how about the...1st and J property??

ShekelPop Mar 5, 2007 9:26 PM

Trump generally doesnt purchase anything but an under-valued location. Not much in the core area or around pacific highway would satisfay that, however, if he does end up in such a location, then I guess that says a lot about the future of the area. I would predict something outside of downtown, or on the outskirts.

bmfarley Mar 5, 2007 9:43 PM


Originally Posted by ShekelPop (Post 2667071)
Trump generally doesnt purchase anything but an under-valued location. Not much in the core area or around pacific highway would satisfay that, however, if he does end up in such a location, then I guess that says a lot about the future of the area. I would predict something outside of downtown, or on the outskirts.

Banker's Hill then. Maybe around Laurel and 5th or 6th?

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