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kpexpress Sep 28, 2009 9:19 PM

TOday I was calling a bunch of companies looking for monthly parking downtown; talked to a guy at Central Parking, and he said that they will be closing down there surface lot on Market between 7th and 8th Ave. He said they are being forced to close down that lot due to the start of construction.

Isn't that the lot that is owned by OM?

Fusey Sep 29, 2009 1:32 AM

Some interesting Census data was released today in the Tribune. It would be interesting to compare these figures to those 10 years ago.

HurricaneHugo Sep 29, 2009 4:48 AM


Originally Posted by kpexpress (Post 4479085)
TOday I was calling a bunch of companies looking for monthly parking downtown; talked to a guy at Central Parking, and he said that they will be closing down there surface lot on Market between 7th and 8th Ave. He said they are being forced to close down that lot due to the start of construction.

Isn't that the lot that is owned by OM?

According to the CCDC site:

Located in downtown San Diego's East Village neighborhood.

Block bounded by Market Street, Seventh, Eighth and Island avenues

The proposed project consists of parking lot demolition, excavation, shoring, environmental remediation, and parking lot reconstruction of a portion of the Redevelopment Agency-owned block. Project funding will come from a $1.5 million State of California Orphan Site Cleanup SubAccount (OSCA) Grant and private settlement agreement funds."

kpexpress Sep 29, 2009 5:56 AM


Originally Posted by HurricaneHugo (Post 4479803)
According to the CCDC site:

Located in downtown San Diego's East Village neighborhood.

Block bounded by Market Street, Seventh, Eighth and Island avenues

The proposed project consists of parking lot demolition, excavation, shoring, environmental remediation, and parking lot reconstruction of a portion of the Redevelopment Agency-owned block. Project funding will come from a $1.5 million State of California Orphan Site Cleanup SubAccount (OSCA) Grant and private settlement agreement funds."

Last year the Jim's from PUBLIC came and spoke at the Newschool, and they mentioned that they were doing some work for OM on that site. We'll see what happens. I called OM today to inquire, but I was only allowed to leave a message.

Fusey Sep 29, 2009 3:40 PM

What's supposed to be developed on the lot behind Albertson's? It's been fenced off and has had some scattered building materials on it for a long time now. I can't find anything on the CCDC website.

kpexpress Sep 29, 2009 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by Fusey (Post 4480306)
What's supposed to be developed on the lot behind Albertson's? It's been fenced off and has had some scattered building materials on it for a long time now. I can't find anything on the CCDC website.

Phase two of Market Street Village?

HurricaneHugo Oct 2, 2009 8:17 AM

Interesting map I found in the San Bernardino thread:

Why those respective alternate alignments? (although they don't differ by much)

dl3000 Oct 2, 2009 2:56 PM

Looks pretty cut and dry for SD County. 15-52-5 done with some short detours to stations but those are the general alignments. If only there was a Miramar Airport then that would be a perfect station location.

bmfarley Oct 4, 2009 3:57 AM


Originally Posted by dl3000 (Post 4486072)
Looks pretty cut and dry for SD County. 15-52-5 done with some short detours to stations but those are the general alignments. If only there was a Miramar Airport then that would be a perfect station location.

If Miramar were the SD airport... I just might agree with you. Because, Miramar would attract more long-distance and direct flights to far away places. More international flights could attract greater domestic flights from outside California. HSR could bring some of those travelers to the airport by train. A stop there just might be worthwhile... assuming trains would continue on to downtown San Diego.

But instead, SD airport is at Lindbergh. And because San Diego is in a corner of the country... 1) Lindbergh will never be a transfer hub and would attract more flights and associated travel opportunities, and 2) has relatively little opportunity for long-distance market due to the planes i) needing to be larger to meet revenue targets, ii) would have greater fuel requirements for longer flights, but would be heavier and that conflicts with the airport having a short runway...

...did I get all that...

Basically, Lindbergh should not be considered a viable stop. Lindbergh has a limited market and little opportunity to grow it. Lindbergh's attractiveness for potential HSR-to-Plane users, and vice versa, is rather limited. In fact, once HSR is up and running, HSR will attract large numbers of existing in-state travelers. The in-state market to Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Sacramento may switch entirely to HSR... and those flights represent a substantial number of Lindbergh's users; perhaps 1/3 to 1/2?

What concerns me is the idea forwarded by Sanders for Lindbergh being San Diego's terminus. Users and commuters to downtown would then have to suck it up for an inconvenient and time consuming transfer to a train or taxi to get to downtown. How fk'd is that?

Make no mistake, Lindbergh was proposed as the HSR stop for two reasons, at most... 1) primarily (?) to make the super transit terminal on the east side of the runways, combined with relocated terminals, look better to the airport authority, and 2) because Steve Peace's employer... the Padre owner... has property interests on the east side of the airport. It was not proposed because it made sense for riders.. it does not.

HurricaneHugo Oct 6, 2009 5:16 AM

So for my Land Use Planning class, I have to go to a city/council meeting and have a report for it.

Any good meetings coming up?

When's the CCDC's next meeting?

bmfarley Oct 6, 2009 6:45 AM


Originally Posted by HurricaneHugo (Post 4491637)
So for my Land Use Planning class, I have to go to a city/council meeting and have a report for it.

Any good meetings coming up?

When's the CCDC's next meeting?

I'd advise against Community Advisory Committee's, or CAC's. They have no influence and tend to sit and talk and do nothing.

kpexpress Oct 7, 2009 9:07 AM

Does anyone know anyone on CCDC's CCAC? I know one person who is on the committee that represents Little Italy. Anyone else?

tdavis Oct 7, 2009 7:57 PM


Originally Posted by kpexpress (Post 4493647)
Does anyone know anyone on CCDC's CCAC? I know one person who is on the committee that represents Little Italy. Anyone else?

I've worked with most of them, why?

voice of reason Oct 12, 2009 3:14 AM

thread is dead without me
I see what a dead zone this place is without me. All I see is whinning by Big Winded Hugo and BFFarley, 'I wish, If only, in regards to Miramar. Stop your dreaming, its a Navy base and even the Obama admin. will keep it that way.

The federal govt. is broke beyond belief, the dollar is sinking because of the red ink and the economy is still weak.

California is just as broke as the Fed. but they cant print money, so they are screwed, especially with the sales tax not coming in.

San Diego City and County are on life-support, we dont need to rerun history there.

My question is, since all government entities are busted. Who will fund your white elephant projects?

SDfan Oct 12, 2009 8:48 PM

^^So besides berating fellow forumers, what is there to talk about?

Most of the construction around the county has slowed to a crawl. State projects are pretty much the only thing going, albeit from money we don't really have.

As for white elephant projects, I guess people like talking about them because... they make sense. A large centralized airport at Miramar, where there is enough land and transportation connections to boost an international enconomy into San Diego? No, that nonsense... The marines (not the navy you twit) own Miramar for now, we know. How about instead of complaining about forumers talking about projects that make sense, you come up with other topics? Is there anything you would like to say Mr.Thread-Keeper that would be beneficial? Because hacking on other forumers who come to a development forum to talk about future developments they would like to see isn't really benefical to anyone but your ego.

Anywho, I just read in the SDNN that they are going to be having meetings across the county about the different high-speed rail alignments.

eburress Oct 12, 2009 10:37 PM

I think the twit may have meant that although Miramar is a Marine base, it is "owned" by the Department of the Navy. Obviously, the government "owns" Miramar, but you get my meaning.

California is in the red because instead of doing things to create a more pro-business environment (increasing trade, building airports, decreasing taxes, changing anti-business legislation), they do the opposite. Increase taxes and pass anti-business legislation, driving out business and shrinking their tax base.

I apologize in advance for another Texas reference, but it is exceedingly relevant to mention that the city of Fort Worth (along with the FAA and Hillwood Development) built Alliance Airport which has generated $33.8 BILLION for North Texas’ economy and has contributed over $625 MILLION in property tax revenue for the city of Fort Worth (as well as the cities of Haslet and Roanoke). Alliance has also created 29,000 jobs to date and 1,900 jobs were created in the past year alone.

Investments like this would cure EVERYTHING that's wrong with San Diego's (and CA's) budget. San Diego might not be able to afford some of these projects, but it can't afford not to.

BrandonJXN Oct 12, 2009 10:51 PM

You Diegeans sure love Texas.


eburress Oct 12, 2009 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by ThreeHundred (Post 4502320)
You Diegeans sure love Texas.


My theory is that half the city's residents are either from Texas or at least have Texas ties. :)

staplesla Oct 13, 2009 12:10 AM

Waterfront Construction Foes Get Lawsuit Tossed
A lawsuit that opposed the first phase of remaking of San Diego’s waterfront was dismissed by a Superior Court judge, the port announced Oct. 9.

The suit filed by a group called Public Rights to Bay Access and Parks sought to put a halt to the first phase of a multiyear construction project along the city’s waterfront called the North Embarcadero Visionary Plan.

The group alleged that the port violated numerous provisions of the state’s environmental laws and the California Coastal Act, and that the agency did not properly analyze the effects of other bay front projects in the area.

The port planned to begin working on the first phase of the project later this year. That first phase consisted of building a 105-foot wide sidewalk that would include garden area, public art and a restroom along Harbor Drive from the Navy Pier to the B Street Pier, as well as road improvements to Broadway.

The estimated cost was about $28.6 million. The estimate for the overall waterfront improvement project is $200 million.

The plaintiffs filed an appeal on the ruling that is pending before the California Coastal Commission. A hearing on the appeal is expected to be heard early next year, according to the port district.

The project cannot begin construction without the approval of the commission.

dl3000 Oct 13, 2009 2:17 AM


Originally Posted by voice of reason (Post 4501348)
I see what a dead zone this place is without me. All I see is whinning by Big Winded Hugo and BFFarley, 'I wish, If only, in regards to Miramar. Stop your dreaming, its a Navy base and even the Obama admin. will keep it that way.

The federal govt. is broke beyond belief, the dollar is sinking because of the red ink and the economy is still weak.

California is just as broke as the Fed. but they cant print money, so they are screwed, especially with the sales tax not coming in.

San Diego City and County are on life-support, we dont need to rerun history there.

My question is, since all government entities are busted. Who will fund your white elephant projects?

The president doesn't mess with military bases. That is BRAC's responsibility. Gitmo is still a base he just ordered the prison shut.

And the reason California is broke is all the conflicting propositions that snatch all kinds of money.

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