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Dariusb Jul 23, 2019 4:56 AM

Highest traffic counts in your city?
What are the highest traffic counts on freeways/expressways in your city? 88,000 on I-30 in my city(Texarkana).

Steely Dan Jul 23, 2019 4:59 AM

The Kennedy often has a traffic count of zero, as it frequently becomes one of the world's longest linear parking lots during rush hour.

SIGSEGV Jul 23, 2019 5:13 AM


Originally Posted by Steely Dan (Post 8639146)
The Kennedy often has a traffic count of zero, as it frequently becomes one of the world's longest linear parking lots during rush hour.

That's not fair, there are still O(10) blue line trains in each direction per hour!

Innsertnamehere Jul 23, 2019 11:27 AM

401 between the 400 and Weston road is considered the busiest highway on the continent, recording well over 500,000 vehicles on a weekday.

hauntedheadnc Jul 23, 2019 2:52 PM

The Jeff Bowen Bridge, connecting downtown Asheville to the suburban strip of West Patton Avenue in West Asheville, carried 106,000 vehicles per day as of 2018. There were also an average of 124 vehicle wrecks per year, any one of which has the power to paralyze traffic flow throughout the city -- and beyond if it's an especially bad wreck.

Dariusb Jul 23, 2019 3:06 PM


Originally Posted by Innsertnamehere (Post 8639242)
401 between the 400 and Weston road is considered the busiest highway on the continent, recording well over 500,000 vehicles on a weekday.

That's not only the highest in North America but among the highest in the world, right?

lrt's friend Jul 23, 2019 3:13 PM


Originally Posted by Innsertnamehere (Post 8639242)
401 between the 400 and Weston road is considered the busiest highway on the continent, recording well over 500,000 vehicles on a weekday.

My cousins had their GPS direct them through 401/400 last Friday at rush hour and it delayed them 3 1/2 hours in getting to their destination. My cousin put his fist through his car console in total frustration for the very bad directions. The stupid GPS directed them through Toronto when their start and end destinations were no where near Toronto. When they didn't arrive for hours, I said (jokingly) that they had been sent to Northern Ontario. No, but almost as bad in the opposite direction. You can count on really bad congestion on the 401/400 on a Friday afternoon at rush hour going into a summer weekend.

Boisebro Jul 23, 2019 3:34 PM

I-84 and I-184 in Boise is easily the busiest here.

per this article, it's seen an increase from 215,800 vehicle trips/day in 2003 to 326,300 trips/day in 2018 (weekday traffic, both directions).

for me, if there are any more than 4 cars on the road during my commute, I start shaking my fist and yelling "git off my damned road you dang whippersnappers!!"

chris08876 Jul 23, 2019 3:41 PM

In NYC its easily the Cross-Bronx Expressway. From the GWB via NJ all the way to the Whitestone Bridge, its just asinine. Mind numbing that is so bad that you'll forget what your name is or your identity.

And due to the layout, one accident, just one accident... will result in 2+ hour delays to cross less than 5 miles.

Typically its always jammed Westbound but at times, just gridlock.

I took that route the Friday before Memorial Day weekend, not too long ago, and I had to piss into a Monster Energy Drink can. I couldn't hold it, thats how bad it is. Used a pen to carve a hole into the can than chucked it outside, but got it on my fingers and jeans. What a crap day that was.

So what have we learned today. If you ever, during rush hour or prior to a holiday take the expressway, avoid caffeine or anything that gives you the runs.

Honorable mentions to the BQE, which is a crap highway but packed, and the Belt Parkway which is always jammed.

Steely Dan Jul 23, 2019 3:41 PM


Originally Posted by Boisebro (Post 8639411)

for me, if there are any more than 4 cars on the road during my commute, I start shaking my fist and yelling "git off my damned road you dang whippersnappers!!"

that reminds me of my favorite bumper sticker of all time:

Stop Complaining About Traffic

You ARE Traffic!

Crawford Jul 23, 2019 3:53 PM


Originally Posted by chris08876 (Post 8639427)
In NYC its easily the Cross-Bronx Expressway. From the GWB via NJ all the way to the Whitestone Bridge, its just asinine. Mind numbing that is so bad that you'll forget what your name is or your identity.

The Cross Bronx may be the most congested roadway, but no way does it carry the most traffic. It's only a narrow three lanes, with no shoulders.

I'd imagine the NJ Turnpike has the greatest traffic in the region, by a longshot. It's easily the widest highway.

chris08876 Jul 23, 2019 4:04 PM

Definitely NJ Turnpike if we are talking the region. I do believe though that the GWB does see the highest traffic count (if we are talking just core city) along with the Bronx Expressway, even more than the Lincoln or Holland Tunnel, unless I'm mistaken. Its the one major truck route up there with the Verrazano. Part of the reason why its so congested, all of those trucks and feeder lanes into the expressway. There are yield signs, but unfortunately New Yorkers don't understand how to navigate zipper merges or do not believe in being nice when people put their blinkers on (they will speed up even though you have room to merge), so thats part of the problem as well.

NY drivers are some of the most aggressive and mean drivers I've seen. Just complete a-holes. DC drivers are much nicer. Maryland drivers from what I've seen always do 10 below, very slow. NJ drivers, very fast, and will tailgate you. Mad respect for those that haul in the left, and tailgate minivans that tend to hog the left lane. Big difference. NJ drivers haul, NY drivers just are dicks. But at the same time, you have to be an a-hole to survive on those roads. The weak will get killed on those roads, because people WILL NOT give you a chance to merge. They just will not, and if spot someone who does, its a unicorn.

Buckeye Native 001 Jul 23, 2019 4:24 PM

I'd reckon it's either the 1-10 Broadway Curve in Phoenix or the unholy junctions of I-10 & I-17 ("The Stack") and the junctions of I-10, AZ 51 and AZ 202 ("The Mini Stack") with the stretch of I-10 between the two that includes the Deck Park Tunnel.

Fun fact: The portion of I-10 including the tunnel was the last segment of the interstate completed that finally connected I-10 from Los Angeles to Jacksonville, FL when it opened in 1990.

Theres also the stretch of AZ 101 in Tempe/Mesa between AZ 202 and US 60.

JAYNYC Jul 23, 2019 4:24 PM

No one (in any U.S. city) has experienced traffic unless they've experienced the following intersections:

405 @ 101 (LA)
10 @ 110 (LA)
101 @ 110 (LA)
10 @ 405 (LA)

Distant runner up:

35 between William Cannon & Rundberg (Austin)

Buckeye Native 001 Jul 23, 2019 4:30 PM

A bit south of LA in Orange County are the Orange Crush (the 5, 57 and 22) and the El Toro Y (the 5 and 405). Both are parking lots most hours of the day.

Cirrus Jul 23, 2019 4:57 PM

For DC, two locations are effectively tied at 250,000: The American Legion Bridge and the 14th Street Bridge.

Cirrus Jul 23, 2019 4:59 PM

Anyway, anybody can easily look this up, at least within the US. Google "[state] traffic volumes" and either a map or a spreadsheet will come right up.

Centropolis Jul 23, 2019 5:04 PM


Originally Posted by JAYNYC (Post 8639476)
No one (in any U.S. city) has experienced traffic unless they've experienced the following intersections:

405 @ 101 (LA)
10 @ 110 (LA)
101 @ 110 (LA)
10 @ 405 (LA)

Distant runner up:

35 between William Cannon & Rundberg (Austin)

i went through three of those four intersections a bunch of times this weekend (all of them if you count going straight) ...but i still contend the most nightmare traffic i've experienced is atlanta. unlike the LA basin (canyons, etc exempted), which has a massive array of surface blvds (which are slower, but you regain your sanity) you're Just Plain Fucked. i've tried all kinds of alternate routes around/through atlanta and it's just a nightmare. nashville is like this on a tiny scale.

iheartthed Jul 23, 2019 5:06 PM


Originally Posted by Centropolis (Post 8639522)
but i still contend the most nightmare traffic i've experienced is atlanta. unlike the LA basin (canyons, etc exempted), which has a massive array of surface blvds you're Just Plain Fucked.

Agreed! Atlanta is the absolute worst. The surface street grid in LA is way more functional than Atlanta's.

JAYNYC Jul 23, 2019 5:11 PM

610 @ 59 / West Loop South in Uptown Houston is also extremely horrific.

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